The Truth by conspiracy rated: PG (for actions) NC-17 (for innuendo) Mulder burst through the door waving his gun madly as he entered the smoke-filled room and approached the source of the smoke: an old man sitting in an easy chair holding a newly lit Morley cigarette between his lips. "How did you find this place?" the man asked. "I came here once before didn't I? Well, now I've come again." His focus shifted and he pointed the gun at the old man. "Where is it?!" he screamed. "Where is what, Mr. Mulder?" "You know what I'm looking for, you son of a bitch! The Truth!" "Haven't you realized yet, Agent Mulder, that the Truth has been in your posession all this time? From the very begining?" "Oh yeah? Then how come I can't find it?" "I don't know. Perhaps the enourmity of it was too far beyond your comprehension." "Or perhaps you're the one who's had the Truth in your hands all this time! Contorting it to fit into a nice little setup of yours; making the peg fit in the wrong hole!" "On the contrary, Mr. Mulder, it's you who's been bending an twisting the Truth to fit your own needs. Ask yourself this, Mulder? When you do get ahold of the Truth, what will you do with it? Keep it to yourself or give it to the public? Either way you're screwed. Keeping the to yourself would be selfish, and what would be the point of having it if you couldn't share it. However, releasing it to the public could be dangerous-- especially if unprotected." "Unprotected?" "Yes. As things are, some may have access to the Truth, but not the Truth in all of its glory. It must be protected by a thin layer of false Truth in order to protect the general populus." The old man puffed on his cigarette thoughtfully. "I was never protected when I recieved the Truth, and I still regret that. That is why I warn you now and anyone else who might search for it. To know the Truth is to now bliss, but also great pain if you are hit too hard by it as I was. Remember my words and caution yourself accordingly." The old man then stood up, walked past Mulder and headed toward his bedroom. "Come with me, Mulder." "How do I know I can trust you?" "You've come with me in the past haven't you?" "But those experiences got me nowhere. I was able to witness the Truth briefly, but then it was gone. How can I be sure this time will be any different." "You can't, Agent Mulder. But isn't a brief encounter with the Truth better than none at all?" "I suppose so." "Then come." The End.