Pit Bulls and Protection Work

This section features comments from pit bull owners concerning the suitability or unsuitability of their dogs and other pit bulls for protection work. The opinions of the layman and the pit bull “aficionado” are conflicting: a vast majority of the population believes pit bulls to be “people-eaters,” while those who know and love pit bulls say that their dogs are too people-friendly to make good watch/guard dogs. I think that both may be proven wrong. While pit bulls are not inherently aggressive towards human beings (dogs are another story, however), I believe that they still make very good protection dogs. It is possible to resolve the paradox of a dog who is both friendly towards well-meaning strangers and yet protective of his loved ones when someone becomes aggressive towards them. The solution to this puzzle is discrimination. We all know that animals have a very keen instinct which guides them into judging whether a person is friendly or dangerous. Animals are unusually adept at making this type of judgment, and pit bulls are no exception. We find that pit bulls, more so than most types of dogs, have a finely developed sense of “right” and “wrong.” They easily discriminate between friend and enemy, which is what makes it possible for them to romp in the front yard with the next-door neighbors kids, but also defend their families when an intruder violates their home. Here is what other pit bull owners have to say:

Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 10:14:40 PST

I read and enjoyed finding your article on your experiences with the wrong protection dog. I also have a pit bull mix that will never make it never the less she is outstanding in every other way. I will however let her reach maturity and find a companion with a higher temperament that will surpass the companion-B and hopefully schutzhund 1 trial. Even with a low temperament dog she can follow through with more commands than a show dog would be expected, with 0 forced methods as long as there are no shopping carts around.

This make me feel good about involving myself and a willing happy companion in some dog sports...

Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 13:51:57 -0500
Subject: TAZ


I searched and found your website. What caught my eye was the fact that you wanted to use a pit bull for protection. I've been told by "other" dog owners, that pits are not man aggressive and that they can't be good protection dogs. My husband and his friend have American Bull dogs and are training them for protection. Whenever I ask if I can join in with my pit Tazzi, they laugh and say she's too small (60 lb..) and she's too friendly to people.

[You can find the rest of this letter in the Pit Bulls and the Problem of Dog-Oriented Aggression section]



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