Grandmother Spider spins her eternal web Lady Moon's Phases reflect our own ebbs and flows

Star Gazer's Journal records celestial happenings   ~ Cancer ~

Moons of Cancer (July):

1st Quarter: June 20; 11:13am - Virgo, 28°59'
FULL MOON: June 28; 2:37pm - Capricorn, 6°45'
3rd Quarter: July 6; 4:57am - Aries, 13°59'
NEW Moon: July 12; 7:24pm - Cancer, 20°17'
1st Quarter: July 20; 2:00am - Libra, 27°14'

Please Note:
All aspects are approximated for the West Coast of North America (PDT+7=GMT). Adjustments may be required for other parts of the world.

Our resident sky-watcher reveals her notes in Astro-Log:  a sketch of this month's heavenly activities. As the planets dance through the celestial ballroom, the "Music of the Spheres" impacts on our entire environment, from macrocosm to microcosm. In our continual attempts to "go with the flow," checking the current cosmic pulse through Astro-Log, can help us harmonize with the moment, the Eternal Now. These effects are GLOBAL, regardless of your "sign." Obviously, the way they interact with your own personal horoscope will determine "how" you personally experience them.

~ Cancer Creations ~

          As the ~tyme~warps~ continue, we are doing our best to transmit these Logs promptly, but true to its name, the Aquarian Zone runs on its own frequency and does not always coincide with ~earth~tyme~. This monthly report is usually posted by the natural solar rhythm
which occurs each time the Sun changes signs. It is meant to be a Guide, not Gospel.
Our Star-Gazer sincerely hopes that her notes are a help to you.

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~ high atop the Andes at Machu Picchu ~ it is breathtaking.
Chat with your friends, ~any~tyme~

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Last month's Astro-Log is here!

June 21 -

Summer Solstice
Sun enters Cancer 12:49 p.m. PDT
Summer Solstice Celebrations are ongoing in the Garden!Summer Solstice Celebrations are ongoing in the Garden!Summer Solstice Celebrations are ongoing in the Garden!Summer Solstice Celebrations are ongoing in the Garden!Summer Solstice Celebrations are ongoing in the Garden!

      The energies at work right now are extremely intense, sharp and fast. Mars at the end of Libra with Jupiter opposing from Aries, is a finely honed spear-tip in our most vulnerable area: self versus others, i.e. relationships! Relationship with the Self is the one truly on the "witness stand" apparently being judged (Libra). Some parts of us are being damned (Scorpio, where Mars is headed again, after having turned retrograde there), while some are being transformed (also Scorpio).

Today's passage of the Sun into Cancer brings to the forefront our family values and intimate considerations. "Cancer creativity" is about pulling together varying factions in a way that allows all to benefit - like the proverbial family picnic. Smooth flow will facilitate the necessary transitions into the next stage, even if you don't have much energy.

June 22 - Libra Moon continues the battle; confrontations are met at every turn, so watch that lethal overhang and try not to overstep your bounds. Danger of excess as evening unfolds, especially driving recklessly or letting your temper get the better of you. You might find solace in our Anger Management zen story over at ~sandwaves~ zenwwweb! Keep the pace; don't react.

June 23 - Scorpio Moon deepens the mood, and intuition will be required in order to side-step conflict. Be willing to read between the lines for motivations, and efficiency, rather than jumping to conclusions or overloading yourself and others with far too much to handle, emotionally, mentally or physically. Transportation and communications are likely to snarl; practice tip-toeing.

June 24 - Push comes to shove, and the cat's fur gets rubbed the wrong way. You may need to revert to "Plan B" when social plans are overturned. Check your deadlines on insurance policies, contracts and savings deposit boxes. Deal with "what is" and what is before you; nevermind the "two in the bush." (a la "a bird in the hand...")

June 25 - A quick phone call, or popping by, can save the day. Did you forget anybody's birthday? Send flowers now, and they'll forgive you. Sagittarian Moon lightens the atmosphere, and play is in the evening air. With Mercury at 29° Cancer, you won't get too far from home, but a little relaxation (and TLC) can go a long way.

June 26 - Be sharp; stay on top of things. This is not the day for dreamy driving or careless comments - nor for bluffing. Check your tickets or reservations BEFORE you leave the house. Unexpected good news by nightfall.

June 27 - A free day - enjoy the first Sunday of Summer. Venus and Mars kick up their heels with gigantic Jupiter on his last day in Aries, 29°. The approaching Full Moon cautions our exuberance to stay within reasonable limits, but allow the last fires of Jupiter's salsa to give you a zing where you need it the most!

chili peppers and hot tamales purify your body and soul!     chili peppers and hot tamales purify your body and soul!     chili peppers and hot tamales purify your body and soul!     chili peppers and hot tamales purify your body and soul!     chili peppers and hot tamales purify your body and soul!    

June 28 - FULL Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter entering Taurus shift our focus back to ground level. Jupiter's last aspect before leaving Aries is a trine to the Moon at 1:11 a.m. PDT, which bodes well for our future ideals, but we are immediately reminded to look at the resources at hand, and see a new way to mix the key ingredients.

June 29 - Resourcefulness rules this day. Drawing board yields results. Plan your work, and work your plan. Take care of business, insurance, reservations, passports and signatures. Yes, "get it in writing!"

June 30 - Disorientation can confuse directions. Fuses are short, and harsh words may fly. Try not to get caught in the rally. If you direct your energy and attention toward a self-motivated project, and allow the pace to "set itself," you can avoid frustration around authority figures and rules, like the boss, the cops, borders, speed traps, bouncers, - whoever might intimidate you in some way. Aquarian Moon counsels detachment - fly free.

July 1 - Canadian flag waves HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CANADA! Happy Birthday, CANADA

Aquarian Moon shakes our heads, and maybe our foundations. Be willing to take the leap of faith, but know which way you are jumping. Make contact with friends, and befriend the friendless. Focus is on the bigger picture, world peace and global consciousness.

July 2 - Amazing feats of courage, artistry and spontaneity will brighten the celebratory atmosphere for the weekend. Check the mailing list once more, map-out the territory, make last-minute contacts and arrangements. The mood mellows in late evening (PDT) as the Moon slips into Pisces and winks at Jupiter!

July 3 - Places to go, people to see, things to do. Distraction runs high, so make a list, and try to keep it simple. While Mars is at this last degree of Libra, all relationships become paramount. Disagreements must be settled, and conditions clearly understood. Re-writes are in the air.

July 4 - Happy Birthday, U.S.A. American flag waves HAPPY BIRTHDAY, U.S.A.!
Reunions, gatherings and sentiments pull at our heart-strings, our love connections, values and preferences. A deeper understanding begins to settle in, of what it is really all about.

July 5 - I was "going to say" intuition rings true, connections are made and secrets unfold... (indeed ...). Aries Moon bursts on the scene and new pathways open. Our star-gazer Sandy is an ecstatic new Grandy!

Red Roses line the Path for little Courtney!


Courtney Mikala Anne

May your Earth-Walk be JOYOUS.

Celebrations have begun

July 6 - New deals are signed, ownerships and contracts change, new roles are assumed. Destiny kicks in, and you know where you stand. Untried paths are everywhere; keep your eyes open for the opportunities.

July 7 - Taurus Moon slows the swirling winds. We take stock, pack up, prepare food, plant gardens or otherwise tend to basic necessities. Focus gets fuzzy later in the day, so watch what you say to whom.

July 8 - Knowing where the path is "supposed to be" will help you figure out where "it is." There will be signs and signals. This may be the scavenger hunt of the year, so pay attention.

July 9 - Normal channels may be blocked, but the Moon in Gemini will find a way through. If you are crossing any borders, you will want to have your paperwork in order, as confrontations, searches and interrogations may arise, as Mars opposes Jupiter - again! You wouldn't want to miss this weekend's celebrations.

July 10 - Calling all friends - Now is the time to catch-up on old news, phone the relatives and invite the neighbours. Barbeques, picnics and sporting events are in full swing. Happy surprises, tailwinds, lucky breaks and the best communication in months will add to the festivities.

July 11 - Love is in the air! Proposals abound, promises fall from moistened lips, and travel plans fill the evening conversation. Cancer Moon brings in gifts, hugs and all sorts of warm fuzzies. Even Mercury stands still today, as if to notice something different in the atmosphere.

July 12 - NEW Moon in Cancer
Feelings are freely expressed, more openness than ever is shared, and recalling past promises may spark us into action. Venus in Virgo adds attention span, while Mercury turning retrograde (Rx) for three weeks forces us to slow the pace. Be sure to look behind you for what you may have dropped.

July 13 - Leo Moon brings up identity struggles, and does battle with Mars, Jupiter and Neptune. Good day for going "off the beaten path" - you are likely to end up there anyway. Emotions may be simmering close to the edge of spilling over. Some energy clashes may result as the new beginnings rise in power, while the endings crumble and fall away.

July 14 - Stumbling blocks turn into stepping stones as new ideas flow. Dare to be different - not obnoxious, just unique. Strength is returning, new connections are made, and a change of plans turns the bad news to good.

July 15 - A lazy day in the sun, chance meetings, good scores, lucky breaks, a helping hand all join-in as the Moon moves into Virgo. An early golf game can set the pace, or simply unplugging the phone and practicing for your debut on "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous."

July 16 - Responsibilities won't go away, but they will find resolution. Check the trunk in the attic or the basement closet; you may have a hidden asset or two just waiting to be discovered. Take time to confirm next week's appointments.

July 17 - Zig and zag get it together! Dance through the chores, and take advantage of cooperation and efficiency, while the Moon is still in Virgo. By this evening (9:19pm PDT) when the Moon enters Libra (cooperation), Saturn's tradition and Uranus's innovation will be "duking it out." Old ivy-covered walls may sink beneath ground level as the thunder rolls.

July 18 - White flags of peace wave in the sunrise, treaties are signed, new trails are blazed and differences are put aside. (makes me think of the Hundredth Monkey - maybe if enough of us can "make peace" in our own little circles, the world at large would "have to" follow suit, by default!)

July 19 - Long-distance contact is made, grace period is granted and new partners come aboard, as we position ourselves for the upcoming eclipses. Free pockets of time and unexpected opportunities blow in on the breeze. Get some fresh air and a new look at the landscape. Conserve energy for tomorrow.

July 20 - First Quarter Moon in Libra - This day has punch, and you have much to do. Scorpio Moon lends stamina, but the challenges keep on coming. Some juggling experience will come in handy, and a yoga break might help, but a lot can be accomplished by keeping a steady pace to ward off the frenetic waves. foot in front of the other...

July 21 - Belief systems (or old landmarks) are questioned, and directions confused. Miscommunications, wrong turns, parking tickets, dead batteries and flat tires can tarnish your shine. Barbers and surgeons, take the day off, while we all use extreme caution with sharp instruments, bladed tools and vehicles - retrograde Mercury is square Mars - don't trust the other guy to "do the right thing" or live up to his word (this includes turn signals)!

July 22 - Yesterday's tensions melt away in the sun. A day to breathe, regroup, have some fun and figure out what to do. The last campfire stories are told as the Sun sets on Cancer, and Leo sneaks in during the night. That Sagittarian Moon has been "up to something." Dare we find out what?

Bobcat ushers-in LEO with a story to tell!
Bobcat photo ©John Wasserman, and at Care-Mail

Here comes the Sun!



sorrrrry for the time~blips, but...
~ transmissions are always coming in ... stay-tuned ~


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