Grandmother Spider spins her eternal web Lady Moon's Phases reflect our own ebbs and flows

Star Gazer's Journal records celestial happenings   ~ Scorpio ~

Moons of Scorpio (November):

  3rd Quarter:
NEW Moon:
  1st Quarter:
  Oct. 24;   2:02pm -  Taurus, 1°00'
  Oct. 31;   4:04am -   Leo, 7°37'
Nov.  7;   7:53pm -   Scorpio, 15°17'
  Nov. 16;   1:03am -   Aquarius, 23°33'
Nov. 22; 11:04pm -   Gemini, 0°32'

Please Note:
All aspects are approximated for the West Coast of North America (PDT+7=GMT). Adjustments may be required for other parts of the world.

Our resident sky-watcher reveals her notes in Astro-Log:  a sketch of this month's heavenly activities. As the planets dance through the celestial ballroom, the "Music of the Spheres" impacts on our entire environment, from macrocosm to microcosm. In our continual attempts to "go with the flow," checking the current cosmic pulse through Astro-Log, can help us harmonize with the moment, the Eternal Now. These effects are GLOBAL, regardless of your "sign." Obviously, the way they interact with your own personal horoscope will determine "how" you personally experience them.

          As the ~tyme~warps~ continue, we are doing our best to transmit these Logs promptly, but true to its name, the Aquarian Zone runs on its own frequency and does not always coincide with ~earth~tyme~. This monthly report is usually posted by the natural solar rhythm
which occurs each time the Sun changes signs. It is meant to be a Guide, not Gospel.
Our Star-Gazer sincerely hopes that her notes are a help to you.

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Last month's Astro-Log is here!

~ Saluting Scorpio! ~

As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.   As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.
As Scorpio Winds howl and Autumn leaves swirl 'round, you are called home to the hearth.

Oct. 23 - Sun enters Scorpio, with gusto, since it is opposite Jupiter, the "big guy." Revelations abound, and tomorrow's Full Moon is already pulling us into commitment, whether we are admitting it or not. "Put your money where your mouth is," and let loyalty be your guide. Dare we mention that Uranus went Direct last night? That should open a few eyes!

Oct. 24 - FULL Moon in Taurus conjunct Jupiter! Sounds great, but caution is noted as Moon also squares Neptune. Warnings include over-indulgence, self-pity and falling victim to scurrilous seduction. Sharp business sense, finely-tuned social awareness and/or good old-fashioned gut instinct will see you through. Reflexes are good, if not fast. Time may seem suspended.

Oct. 25 - Slow and steady wins the race. Extremes of weather, emotions and tides of all sorts; roads may be slippery. Feet feel heavier, planning for winter; it's harvest time. Consider the bounty, and you may recall where you left your secret stash. Let's hope that's money, and not just cookies.

Oct. 26 - Flash bulbs, bright ideas and surprises are in the air. Look where you thought you looked before, but shift the angle. Gemini Moon blows a fresh breeze and lightens the atmosphere. New faces, names and numbers come your way.

Oct. 27 - Over-stimulation is quite possible, distraction is likely, and "too many cooks --could-- spoil the broth."  Keep to your own agenda, and observe the patterns unfolding before you, as if from the branch of a tall tree. Hold onto your belongings in public places, and lock your car. Ignore the troublemakers and you will get a lot accomplished.

Oct. 28 - Energy flows as long as you follow it. Moon into Cancer smooths ruffled feathers, sunset brings peace, and a hot tub or meditation will close the day nicely.

Oct. 29 - You get some answers, just in the nick of time. It will be worth the extra effort to push the deal through now. Rally all the forces and come up with a plan. Friendly gatherings, family dinners and all forms of sharing will be rewarding.

Oct. 30 - Be careful not to overbook appointments or promise to be in two places at the same time. Mercury's first day in Sagittarius can be a bit over-enthusiastic. Moon square Jupiter (in Aries Rx) is over-zealous to say the least, and opposing Neptune means foggy lenses. Afternoon passage into Leo shifts the Moon into Happyland as it trines Mercury. Talk will be brilliant, but assign a designated driver.

Oct. 31 - Daylight Savings Time ENDS at 2:00 a.m. in North America Daylight Savings Time ENDS at 2:00 a.m. in North America.
All Hallows Eve, Hallowe'en, Samhain - when the crows and souls fly between worlds. Samhain All Hallows Eve, Hallowe'en, Samhain - when the crows and souls fly between worlds. Hallowe'en

  Don't miss the REAL story of Hallowe'en at  

While the children play-out our fears of the past through trick-or-treating, perhaps we could invoke the spirits of the season with a celebration of Life's bounty with respectful thanks given to those who have sacrificed before us, so that we might benefit. You may even want to set a place for "the Ancestors" at your table.

Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.       Each leaf that falls is an ancestor who walked the Path before you.      

Last Quarter Moon in Leo may try to cram in too much. Plans may change, disappointments or delays may slow you down; don't leave it all till the last minute. Pace yourself, and do the work in small doses, in order to be receptive to the blessings of All Hallow's Eve. Puffed-up attitudes will get slapped down; mind your own business. Go within.

Nov. 1 - Extravagance may leave you short on cash, or energy; check the gas tank and the furnace. A lot of ground can be covered, arguments won and new inroads carved. Plant seed-ideas in strategic places.

Nov. 2 - Early morning obstacles, jammed switches or empty reserve tanks may cause delay, but repairs should be quick and easy, even adding safety features or extended warrantees. Virgo Moon joins hands with Mars and Saturn in Taurus to calm the waters, resolve differences and secure a plan.

Nov. 3 - Take a breath, relax and survey the landscape. Finishing touches are added, and focus is now directed in very specific directions. Moon & Venus dance their way through the art gallery and fine dining, or the photo albums and Mom's homemade chowder, or the blueprints and finger foods -- your choice -- but enjoy Virgo's offerings.

Nov. 4 - The air-waves are aflutter with messages, news and comings-and-goings; many loose threads are flying. Stay agile, objective and cheerful, weaving and braiding the threads as you go. Seek not conclusions, as Mercury turns Retrograde, but keep track of your findings, your dreams and your thoughts; you will want to refer to them later. Libra Moon keeps the social channels open, and networking is on the rise. Mars/Saturn trine helps maintain Order with an eye to the future.

Nov. 5 - Expect the unexpected, even globally. Mercury's three-week Rx has just begun, so communications may be garbled; the Balsamic Moon is drawing the curtains closed, telling us to stay close to home; and the Sun squares Uranus, promising breakthroughs or breakdowns, brainstorms or blown circuits, unbelievable opportunities or shocking blows. Keep your eyes open.

Nov. 6 - Road blocks, closed runways and bulging rivers are likely to grind traffic to a halt. The less distance you have to cover today, the better. Quick bursts of movement or sporatic openings in the fog will allow progress if you persist, but it may be a long haul, so take supplies.

Nov. 7 - NEW Moon in Scorpio opposite Saturn and square Uranus will "keep the line taut," and the clog may not break until nightfall. Stamina will pay-off, and the goal will be reached, provided you keep your feet firmly planted... well, at least one of them - but hold firm.

Nov. 8 - Last day of Venus in Virgo with a void-of-course Moon in Scorpio. This is the perfect day to hide-away and get your personal tidying done. Mercury's last day at 0°Sagittarius (Rx) reminds us to jot down those phone numbers, make lists of jobs to be done and gather up all correspondences that need replies before Nov. 24, when Mercury goes Direct. Take a chance and phone one more time; you just might connect.

Nov. 9 - All those loose threads seem to slide together into workable strands; everything "clicks," for a change. Even lost data  can be retrieved. Find the rhythm and stay with it. Don't force anything, just play with it. The Moon slipped into Sagittarius during the night, and Mercury retreats to 29°Scorpio. Keep your secrets, as you overhear others'.

Nov. 10 - Good news, love letters, money arrives! Art, dance and music are everywhere; appreciate, participate, enjoy! Play your hunches and you will have a smooth ride. Temptations may pull at you, especially if you are feeling unloved, but your Inner Truth and natural spontaneous instinct will dance through the mist.

Nov. 11 - 11:11 - OK, you got away with it. Now cash in your chips and go home. Choose a new team leader while the Sun and Mars are in conference, planning the next strategies for success. Get a grip on your physical world (body, money, productivity) now, and the Moon in Capricorn will show you the way. Detours and redirection may delay results, but they should be in within 24 hours.

Nov. 12 - This is clean-up day. File, sort, toss, photocopy, repair, get signatures, chop wood, finish the job. If it's important, do it now! Winterizing may be "just in time." Weekend storms may blow in suddenly. Play it straight (no B.S.), and even "the enemy" may come over to your side. A 'job well done' could earn you huge brownie points where it really counts.

Nov. 13 - Saturn and Uranus square-off this weekend. Challenges are inevitable; blockages are likely. Stock Markets may shudder, and the Earth's plates could be particularly vulnerable to slippage, i.e. earthquakes, as Uranus in Aquarius pushes past Rx Saturn in Taurus, leaving our old ways at the door, as we are propelled forward into the Unknown. Ideas abound; phone calls and meetings are bringing folks together. Optimism is high, in spite of tangible difficulties. Capricorn Moon strives for completion, but watch-out for overkill.

Take the Tiger's lead, and take it all in your stride - lie down.
Tigers know how to handle stress.

Nov. 14 - Moon in Aquarius rings in this Sunday with new bells. The Saturn/Uranus square reminds us of promises made or contracts signed, back in August during the big eclipse. You may be forced to "choose camps." Know where you stand on any issues pertinent to your well-being. Friends from "opposite sides of town" can gather in peace. Let the Elders talk to the Children -- skip a generation.

Nov. 15 - Electrical storms, power outages and overloaded circuits threaten. Lucid dreaming, E.T. contact and UFO sightings are on the rise. Moments of chaos, or stalled elevators, spawn profound humor and innovative detective work. Secrets are uncovered, new paths unfold and unprecedented options materialize.
        Numerologists' Note: In the Pacific Time Zone (+8=GMT/UT)
            the Moon conjoins Uranus at 4:44 am, and then Mercury at 11:11 pm.

Nov. 16 - First Quarter Moon in Aquarius breaks the spell, and ideas become actions. Speedy morning gives way to a sleepy afternoon, so don't procrastinate; get organized. Pisces Moon drifts in, warps a little time and fogs a few lenses before moving on.

Nov. 17 - If you have any regrets, you will feel them this morning. Work on mending emotional riffs, showing compassion to those whom you don't understand, or who don't understand you, and even sending flowers. Bring out the crystal and fine linens, or your favorite mode of entertainment, and call a few friends. Avoid the fast-talking loser on the corner.

Nov. 18 - Plans are moving right along, travel should be smooth, bridges clear, and you may even have a little extra time for frivolity. Tales of old and sentimental meanderings are laced with futuristic ideals and modern conveniences (cell phones, e-mail and fast food). Aries Moon kick-starts the old clunker in the driveway and heads for the auction.

Nov. 19 - Energy is fast and high. Remember to touch ground or at least check your messages every so often, or you might miss an important engagement. If you move too fast you will get your wrist slapped, or maybe even your face! But if you are on a roll,  then ride that baby home.

Nov. 20 - Aries Moon is still pushing pretty hard, and we may find ourselves overloaded, over-extended or overdrawn. Excess heat could be a problem, so pay heed to furnaces, engines and electrical appliances -- and speed and greed and anger and weapons. Some Libran is bound to wave the White Flag and call a truce. Things can be worked out.

Nov. 21 - Moon in Taurus counsels stillness, even when jolted out of a peaceful sleep. Take a book for traffic jams and train rides. Talk to an elder, a counsellor or mentor, or even just the old man at the corner store. Learn from the past. Experience is the best discipline you will find to prepare you for any wild "curved-balls coming out of left field." Keep one foot in front of the other.

One foot in front of the other

Nov 22 - FULL Moon in Gemini as the Sun enters Sagittarius
Weather is brisk, winds high, and people are moving quickly, but may also be scattered or distracted. Watch for jay-walkers or over-exhuberant wannabe-drivers. High winds continue and roads may be slick. Visibility can change rapidly; carelessness could be costly.


~~~combing the cosmic mines~~~ sorrrrry for the time~blips, but...
~ transmissions are always coming in ... stay-tuned ~


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