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Central America:
Limestone Quarries of Nakbe, Guatemala
This document briefly describes one portion of the RAINPEG Project designed to study how
the ancient Preclassic Maya
quarried limestone blocks using tools of stone and wood. The project involved two separate
activities: 1.the archaeological excavation of ancient quarries at Nakbe, Guatemala. experiment using modern replicas of ancient tools to cut and shape limestone blocks.
Ancient Mesoamerican
This page supplies information regarding Mesoamerican Civilizations. The primary groups
addressed are the Maya, Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztec.
Archaeology of Golfito, Costa
This Web site has been created to facilitate dissemination of information about
archaeological research undertaken in Golfito, Costa Rica under the direction of John W.
Hoopes, of the University of Kansas, in 1990 and 1992. It will provide access to research
reports, maps, photographs, and the results of analyses of ceramics, lithics, faunal
remains, botanical remains, and other cultural materials.
Articles that have been submitted by members of the AZTLAN discussion list.
Western Belize Regional Cave Project
The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project will once again be conducting
archaeological research within various
caves in Belize, Central America in the summer of 1998. This regional study will involve
caves previously investigated in the
1996 and 1997 seasons, including Actun Tunichil Muknal (Stone Sepulchre), Actun Uayazba
Kab (Handprint Cave), and a
number of caves recently discovered.
Canadian Museum of Civilization - Mystery of the Maya
The Caribbean Archaeology Program at the Florida Museum of Natural History has four main
components: Field Research, Collections, the Bullen Bibliography of Caribbean Archaeology
and Public Education.
Central American
Institute of Prehistoric and Traditional Cultures at Belize
The Institute aims to preserve the traditional knowledge and practices of the Maya and
Garifuna cultures, and to create and share a collective consciousness of issues in the
fields of ethnoscience, ecology, archaeology, and ethnology.
Archaeological Project - El Salvador
A giant metropolis once flourished in what is now El Salvador, rising from the ruins of
Maya civilization. The city of Cihuatán has long remained Central America's least known
and most spectacular treasure. Now an archaeological project will attempt to unlock its
Serpent Pyramid (FSP), Teotihuacan, Mexico
This site consists of introductory pages, recent excavation reports, and an academic
journal, each suited for different kinds and levels of readers.
Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc.
JASON Project Voyage V: Expedition to Belize
Laguna de On Island Archaeological Excavation, Belize
Photo Archives
The purpose of this web site is to educate and stimulate the public with both accurate
information and beautiful photographs of Mesoamerican archaeology. Within these photo
galleries, you will find full-color photographs of archaeological sites and museums from
all over Mexico, complete with detailed captions.
WWW Page
Here you can find files, links, resources, software and reports relevant or interesting to
Mesoamerican and Pre-Columbian
Hundred Years of Anthropology in Costa Rica
A bibliography of published and unpublished sources.
Outline of
Prehistory and History in the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean
Outline of Prehistory and History in the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean Culture Area with
Reference to Relevant National Park Units in the Southeast Region.
Rabbit in the Moon: Mayan Glyphs and Architecture
University of Calgary, Current Research in Mesoamerica
South America:
Ancient Civilizations of the
The Andes have always held the aura of mystery and the unknown. Perhaps it's the fact that
over a period of thousands of
years many civilizations have flourished hidden deeply in the endless valleys of this vast
mountain range. The fragments that
remain provide wonderous clues, from which we can only guess at the cultures and people
that once inhabited these regions.
Raised Field Agriculture: Applied Archaeology in the Bolivian Amazon
Until about 30 years ago, Western academic opinion agreed that the Amazon Basin could
never have sustained large populations; due to the limitations of a tropical environment,
the area could support only hunting and gathering and slash-and-burn agriculture.
Subsequent archaeological research proved this opinion wrong. A joint "applied
archaeology" project involving the Inter-American Foundation, the Parroquia of San
Ignacio, the Bolivian Institute of Archaeology, and the University of Pennsylvania Museum
of Anthropology and Archaeology has developed an experimental program to put raised-field
agriculture back into use.
Andean Bioarchaeology Web Page
Research in Peru
Natural History Museum Assistant Curator Karen Wise, an archaeologist, directs an
archaeological excavation on the south coast of Peru. Working at the site of Kilometer 4,
she and her colleagues and students investigate the origins of sedentary village life,
early architecture, the development of specialized fishing communities, and the evolution
of mortuary practices between 8000 and 3000 years ago.
Research in Peru
These pages contain full browseable text, abstracts, references, and selected graphics
from archaeological research papers
presented by Bruce Owen at academic conferences, plus a picture gallery of archaeological
ceramics and other information.
Chinchorro Occupation at Villa Del Mar, Ilo, Peru
This is the english version of the article "La ocupacion Chinchorro en Villa del Mar,
Ilo, Peru" by Karen Wise, published in the Peruvian journal Gaceta Arqueológica
Andina 24:135-149. 1995.
Latin American Studies
Library of Congress.
at Cerro Baul, Peru - University of Florida
Video clips from the headwaters of the Tambo drainage in the Department of Moquegua.
Coast of Peru Archaeology
this page is about the archaeology of the South Coast of Peru, at the moment it is limited
to the archaeology of the Nasca region.
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Last Updated: April 14, 1998.