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Underwater Archaeology
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Archeologia Subacquea e Speleologia Subacquea - ASSONET
Athenian Trireme Olympias
The Trireme Trust was formed in 1982 by Frank Welsh, John Morrison and John Coates with
the following aims: To resolve a long-standing controversy about the design of this
historically important type of ship, to discover its true performance at sea, to enable
the realities of sea power at that time to be understood, to draw attention to the
maritime and technical skills which were the keys to the cultural achievements and lasting
influence of ancient Athens.
Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA)
The Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology is an organisation dedicated to the
promotion of maritime archaeology. Its objectives are to support and undertake scientific
research in the field of maritime archaeology and to publish the results of this work.
Maritime Archaeology Resources (CMAR)
Coastal Maritime Archaeology Resources (CMAR) is a non profit volunteer organization
supporting marine archaeology projects primarily in California's Channel Islands National
Park and the encompassing National Marine Sanctuary. CMAR was founded in September of 1993
in cooperation with the National Park Service and with the support of the Los Angeles
Maritime Museum.
Combined Caesarea
The Combined Caesarea Expeditions (CCE) is an amphibious project which joins excavations
in the terrestrial remains of ancient Caesarea with investigations in the ancient harbor
of the site. During the 1998 season, some CCE archaeologists will study submerged areas of
the ancient harbor, while others will work on land, continuing exploration of King Herod's
temple to Roma and Augustus which was discovered during the 1995 season. Still others will
work on a dwelling quarter thought to date from King Herod's time, perhaps the home of
Caesarea's earliest Jewish and Christian communities.
Dhows of
Oman - Western Australia Maritime Museum
Coast of Oman Along the 1,700 kilometer-coastline of the Sultanate of Oman, wooden boats,
or dhows, stand as testament to one of history's greatest sea-going peoples. Like beached
whales, some slowly succumb to time and nature. Others line up neatly, facing the clear
blue waters of the Indian Ocean, waiting for owners to drag them seaward, just as the
ancient Magan sailors did 4,000 years ago. Each wooden hull smells faintly of fish oil and
shines like a well-preserved antique. You can barely feel the joints between the
meticulously crafted planks, whose ends are secured by date-palm fiber rope. Craft like
these ancient boats carried Magan traders, mentioned in Sumerian and Akkadian
inscriptions, throughout the Gulf and Western Indian Ocean. By the Middle Ages, Omani
traders hauled boatloads of porcelain, jewels, silks, dates, horses, myrrh, frankincense
and ivory among Zanzibar, India, Egypt, and China.
East Carolina
University in Greenville, North Carolina, Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology
Florida State University, Underwater
Archaeology Projects
The Florida State University has been actively conducting underwater archaeological
fieldwork since the late 1950's, longer than any other academic institution. Florida State
University faculty, staff, and students have implemented hundreds of archaeological
projects, ranging in scope from remote sensing surveys and non-intrusive mapping
investigations to full scale excavations. Over the years, an incredibly wide range of
sites have been investigated, including prehistoric settlements and cemeteries, colonial
British, French, and Spanish shipwrecks and submerged fortifications, and Civil War era
blockade runners and ironclads.
Grupo Arqueologia Subaquática, Portugal
Guide to Graduate Programs in Historical and Underwater Archaeology
A guide to Maritime History on the Internet
INA - Institute
of Nautical Archaeology - Texas A&M
The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) was founded in 1972 (originally as the
American Institute of Nautical Archaeology) by Texas A&M University , with which it is
affiliated. INA also maintains a year-round administrative/research center in Bodrum,
Turkey and is affiliated there with the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. This
facility includes dormitory and office space on land owned by INA, and a
conservation/research lab inside the Museum. The Institute also owns and operates a
20-meter research vessel, the Virazon , in Turkey. In the last two years, a branch office
has been established in Egypt, and plans are under way to develop a full-time presence in
Interactive Marine
Get the weather and sea state data being reported by automated marine stations.
Nordic Underwater Archaeology. The Baltic sea, in Northern Europe, is a cold brackish sea
where wood is preserved for centuries. Many sunken ships still wait to be discovered. This
site is mainly for Northern Europe.
The Maritime History Virtual Archives
The Mary Rose Virtual
Maritime Museum
The Mary Rose is the only 16th century warship on display anywhere in the world. Built
between 1509 and 1511, she was one of the first ships able to fire a broadside, and was a
firm favourite of King Henry VIII. After a long and successful career, she sank
accidentally during an engagement with the French fleet in 1545. Her rediscovery and
raising were seminal events in the history of nautical archaeology.
The Mediterranean
Oceanic Database
The main objectives of MODB is to deliver advanced data products for oceanographic
research in the Mediterranean Sea. Software products for data analysis and visualization
are also prepared for distribution within the scientific community.
Historic Shipwrecks
The cold fresh water of Minnesota’s lakes and rivers have preserved an important part
of our history - in shipwrecks! Each one is a unique and integral part of the fabric of
America's maritime heritage. Together, they provide physical contact with and offer an
exciting opportunity to explore the past. Because they represent a valuable but finite and
nonrenewable resource, we must provide for their protection and preservation. If we don't,
the first generation to have ready access to shipwrecks will be the last to enjoy them.
National Parks Services, The
Submerged Cultural Resources Unit
With increasing awareness of America's underwater cultural resources, employees of the U.
S. National Park Service began in the 1960's to investigate shipwrecks with SCUBA
equipment, and to document their locations and condition. This activity accelerated in the
1970's as park managers became increasingly aware of the richness and importance of these
submerged resources. In 1980 this effort was formalized within the Submerged Cultural
Resources Unit, staffed by professional underwater archaeologists, technicians and other
professionals to provide the United States national park system with the necessary
Archaeology and Maritime History
NOAA is committed to the preservation and management of historic and cultural resources
within the sanctuaries. The shipwreck remains of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor were
the first designated National Marine Sanctuary in 1972. The Florida Keys, Channel Islands,
and proposed Thunder Bay sanctuaries are known to have a proliferation of historic
shipwrecks that hold valuable historic information and are popular destinations for many
recreational divers. The designation of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has
focused NOAA's attention on the controversial issue of treasure hunting.
Maritime Research (NMR)
(Northern Shipwrecks Database) - Documenting over four centuries of North America's
maritime history in the Northern Shipwrecks Database (over 65,000 records).
Rhode Island Marine
Archaeology Project
Home page of the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project. Since 1991 RIMAP has performed
background research, collected historical information and conducted field work on the
vessels beneath Rhode Island waters.
To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU
"Subscribe SUB-ARCH (your first name) (your last name) ".
Texas A&M, Program in Nautical Archaeology
UK Diving, The Divers Resource
Shipwreck State Parks and Historic Sites
University of Bristol - Department of Archaeology, Degree Program
in Maritime Archaeology and History
An innovative MA in Maritime Archaeology and History has been established at the
Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Bristol. The programme involves a
taught course and a dissertation, and combines academic and professional studies.
Practical experience in maritime artifacts, historic boats and ships, and (optionally)
underwater archaeology is combined with field trips and field work. Special emphasis is
placed on experience in studying and sailing historic vessels. Practical work includes
shipwrightry, drawing sites and artefacts, photography, conservation, dendrochronology,
and resaerch in archives and specialist libraries.
Surface Interval Diving Company
Facets of Maritime Archaeology: Society, Landscape and Critique
An essay from the session 'Theoretical Advances in Maritime Archaeology' at TAG '93 in
Vasa Museum Stockholm, Sweden
In August 1628 the royal warship Vasa heeled over and sank on her maiden voyage, before
leaving Stockholm harbour. The Vasa was the most expensive and perhaps most richly
decorated naval vessel that Sweden had ever built. She was the King`s pride and the
mightiest naval ship of her time. In 1956 Anders Franzén found the ship and initiated one
of Sweden`s largest ever projects of marine archaeology.
Worldwide Sources of Shipwreck Information
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Last Updated: March 20, 1998.