Lesson # 27: Herbs, Oils, Incense, Stones, & Candles

Lesson # 27b: Oils

There are many items that we use to practice magick. In truth, magick comes from within and not the tools but herbs, oils, stones, candles, and other items that we use help us to focus energy. Each has its own special energy that helps in the particular magick we are doing. That is what helps us to focus for a spell. Each herb, oil, stone, and candle color has specific purposes. There is often variations of these purposes from various people who practice magick but generally there are some basics that agree for the most part. In this lesson, I would like you to explore each more in depth.

Oils are often used in magick to annoint an item, candle, person, or whatever you are focusing on. It is very common to annoint candles with a particular oil for a particular kind of spell. Many also make special oil blends for the altar, the Goddess, the God, or a particular celebration. Oils often match much the same way as herbs or incense in spells. You can find rose oil, sandalwood oil, lemon grass oil, lavendar oil, and a host of many others. Most oils can be found in any spiritual book store or health foods store. You can also easily find them online. I have even found a few in discount stores. You just have to look for the essential oils that you need. Oil blends are made by mixing the basic essential oils. It would do you well to find a good book on oil such as Scott Cunninghams's Oils and Blends book. That's not the exact title but it's a good book to work with especially when you are learning. You can also find several sources on the internet as well. Here are a few sites to help you get started in learning about oils.

Magickal Oils and Scents

Magickal Oils

Magickal Oils

Magickal Oils

Magickal Oil Blends

Magickal Properties of Oils

Your Assignment

I want you to research about oils either online or through books. I do suggest that you buy a good book if possible for reference. Find your select list of oils and oil blends for magickal purposes that is easy for you to obtain and fits your needs. Post your list to the group and maybe a little about why you chose these.

Brightest Blessings,

Arianna Moonlightshadow

Hecate's Magickal Correspondences

Lesson 27a: Herbs

Lesson 27c: Incense

Lesson 27d: Stones (Not up Yet)

Lesson 27e: Candles (Not up Yet)

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