Assignment # 3: Who are the Deities and how do you commune with Them?

Morrigan, Essus and Ossian

The top three god/desses I commune with are Morrigan, Essus and Ossian.

Morrigan is a Pan-Celtic Goddess.

In myth, she is also known as the Morrigu. She is a triple goddess, made up of three crone goddesses or war, battle, death and destruction. They were Badb, Macha and Nemain. Their collective name means "the phantom queen." The Celts believed that as they engaged in battle, the Morrigan flew shrieking overhead, often in the form of a carrion crow or a raven, calling up a host of slain soldiers to a macabre spectral dane. When the battle ended, the soldiers would leave the field until dawn so that the Morrigan could claim their trophies of heads, euphemistically known as "the Morrigan's acorn crop."

In magick and ritual, the Morrigan are a powerful force which mostprefer to separate and work with one-on-one. Call on them for Passing Over rituals, or to help you overcome enemies. They are also potent force for waning moon and banishing magick. However, be caution that their collective energy can turn violent.

Correspondences include: the raven, the carrion crow, obsidian, rubies, the waning and dark moons, yew, onyx, nightshade, henbande, black dogs

Essus (Breton, Continental)

In myth - also known as Esus. A harvest God worshipped in Brittany, and in Gaul by the people known as Essuvi. He was the consort of Artio. He is connected with a vague and lost myth about the penalties for the cutting down of trees, and was associated with the totem animals of crane and bull, symbolizing his fertility principle and his links to the Otherworld. Extant altars to him date to the third century B.C.E (Before Common Era - almost equivalent to B.C but without Christian connotations) The Romans recorded that sacrifices were made to him on these. When we consider his image as a fertility and Otherworld one, it is reasonable to assume that the sacrifices were made as an exchange to persuade him to release loved ones from the Otherworld. He died by being hung on one of his sacred trees like the Norse God Odin with whom he is often equated. His legends eventually merged with those of Jesus in early centuries C.E. (Common Era - like A.D.), and eventually his own myths were lost.

In Magick and Ritual - Call on Essus for fertility and harvest rites. Evoke him with rituals designed to facilitate spirit contact or to bind yourself to passed over loved ones with whom you wish to reincarnate. Correspondences - the crane and the bull. Ossian (Irish, Scottish, Manx)

In myth - (USH-een) Also Osian and Oisin, and Oshin on Man. His name means "fawn" Ossian is the son of Fionn MacCool and Saba. Saba, Ossian's mother, was lured away from Fionn by forest faeries and turned into a deer before Ossian's birth. Ossian was born from her in human form, and eventually returned to his father as a gifted poet. He returned again to the Otherworld with his second wife, Niamh, where she gave birth to two sons, Fionn ("the white") and Osgar ("the lover of the deer"), and a daughter, Plur na mBan ("woman of flowers"). His first wife was Eibhir, who is described as a yellow-haired "stranger from another land," possibly meaning she was once a sun goddess. Ossian became a Fianna leader, and the Fennian Cycle of Irish mythology is often referred to as the Ossianic Cycle in his honor. Faeries would often seek him out for company, especially to play the Irish game known as hurling. Finvarra, the faery king, was an intimate of his and enjoyed engaging him in a game of chess. Ossian died when he ignored his wife's pleas to always remain mounted in the human world. Aside from the body of mythology surround him, Ossian's tales have been immortalized in numerous works of poetry and fiction. One of the most famous of these is James MacPherson's 1760 collection.

In Magick and Ritual - Call on Ossian to enhance creativity, overcoming fear, and assisting in spirit contact. Ossian maintained a demonstrative love for animals all hislife, and he can be called on to work magick for animals, especially healing rituals.

Correspondences - the stag

I also like Rhiannon but have not learned much about her yet.


Project 3: Identifying my God & Goddess

This is one I've been thinking about a long time. I've always been attracted to 2 pantheons of gods: Egyptian and Greek. After a lot of study and reflection, I've finally chosen Athena and Apollo.

Apollo I was attracted to when I was a child - I believe in truth and light and just feel right about him. Athena I've also always been attracted to. She's a warrior and has strength but also wisdom. I feel that way as well. I am commanding (and demanding) but enjoy learning and growth. She is also the Goddess of handiworks and I've always been a craftsperson. Again this one just feels right as well.

As my studies progress, I want to study as many pantheons as possible - but for now, for clarity and simplicity, I'll focus on Apollo and Athena.


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