Noctura Coven Divination

Tarot Reading by Arianna on August 7, 2000

This is a seven card horseshoe spread.

Question: Does the future of the Coven Noctura look good?

Card 1 (Past): Page of Wands Reversed
A feeling of restlessness towards current spiritual level....dissatisfaction with progress

Card 2 (Present): High Priestess Reversed
An inability to trust our intuition

Card 3 (Hidden Influences): Knight of Cups
Good friend, passionate......a bringer of opportunities

Card 4 (Obstacles): Emperor
A need for self-discipline, need for delegation of responsibilities...Use reason in handling problems

Card 5 (Attitudes of other People): The Chariot
It encourages us to get in touch with our inner selves and receive guidance through meditation, study, and service

Card 6 (What you should Do): 8 of Wands
They focus us on accessing our potential and finding and living our personal destiny

Card 7 (Future): The Hermit
His aspirations, service, and discipline has allowed him to attain an elevated level of understanding that allows him to a light in the dark night of the soul.

Overall Feeling of Reading:
It seems to me that the past reflects our slow down period we have been experiencing.....the desire to get things moving. We have gotten distracted from our purpose for being here not listening to our intuition as maybe we should have here. New life and new opportunities are upon us now and this is a time for us to share the responsibility for this place we have. The Deities are encouraging us to seek guidance and move toward that higher level. They are pointing us in the right direction and potential for us to reach that higher plane of understanding is great for the future.

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