Good Girl Tonya

You came lost in a snowstorm.
Such beautiful eyes to see.
A seven week old wolf pup
Came to play with me.

A little girl, a clumsy girl,
She's cute as cute can be!
Is she wolf or is she dog?
"Why did you choose me?"

Your mom was named "Big Female."
You've grown to be the same.
With German lines,
You're Strong and True.
Tame is not your game.

A wholly devoted companion.
Coat redish-blonde as can be.
Always in my shadow,
You fill my every need.

The three of us are family,
Myself and you and he.
We live to play and play to love
What a beautiful way to be!

Endless miles of travel
Through streams and woods and hills,
Through flower-covered prairies,
You've filled our lives with thrills!

God sent you to walk with us,
To be our Guide through Life.
You've played with us, protected us,
And seen us through Life's strife.

Ours is the gift of freedom,
Of time, and many years.
We've climbed
Where no one's climbed before
With hawk and bear and deer.

You loved to run the hillsides
Going high as you could go.
But always turned to wait for us,
Footprints blending in the snow.

Although you cannot run much now,
Your age is taking toll.
Your eyes, they never leave us.
You seem to read our souls.

Your saddle now is graying.
Your hair is course and thin.
You're having trouble walking
But your eyes have never dimmed.

Spirit's flame is bright and deep,
A flicker within your soul.
A journey now confronts us all.
We wonder where you'll go.

I've been told a Wolf Dog
Is a higher level soul.
A mission you must start on now
To reach your newest goal.

So go my friend, we love you.
We'll miss you and shed tears.
But memories will fill our lives
Through our remaining years.

Dreaming of the mountains
And playing in the snow.
Chasing mice, and climbing hills,
Yes, we'll miss you so.

We'll follow you when our time comes.
You'll be our Guide again,
To play through Heaven's hills and paths,
Three souls dancing in the wind!

Written 8/30/98 4:00am to sunrise
by Debra Holmes copyright 1998