Code of Chivalry
  1. Chivalry is a high code of honor which is of most Pagan
    origin, and must be followed by all members and at all levels of the
    Holy Order of the Faithful Knights of the Round Table.

  2. A Knight practices personal pride, seeking perfection of body
    and mind.

  3. A Knight is admired for dignity, a gracious manner, and a good

  4. Courage and Honour endure forever.

  5. A Knight is honest with others, and makes it known that
    honesty is likewise expected of others.

  6. A Knight's word must have the validity of a signed and
    witnessed oath.

  7. A Knight pledges friendship and fealty to those who so

  8. A Knight has power, and power waxes as wisdom increases.

  9. A Knight contemplates always the consequences upon others of
    his or her actions, striving always to harm none.

  10. A Knight never reveals the secrets of another Knight, nor of
    the Order, for many have labored long and hard for them.

  11. A Knight must be above reproach in the eyes of the world.

  12. A Knight obeys the laws of the land, whenever possible and
    within reason.

    La Queste est Eternel
    (The Quest is Eternal)

Laws of Conduct

The following Laws of Conduct are taken directly from the Order's
  1. A Member of this Order is a Pagan dedicated to the channeling of
    spiritual energy to help and to heal himself and others.
  2. A Member knows that he is a part of the Whole of Nature. He strives
    to grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature and to walk
    always in balance.
  3. A Member is always mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its
    Unity. He strives to be tolerant of those whose race, appearance, sex,
    sexual orientation, culture, religion or spirituality, and other ways
    differ from his own.
  4. A Member uses magic wisely and never abuses it for aggression or
    malevolent purposes. He never directs it to curtail the free will of
  5. A Member strives always to be mindful that he creates his own reality,
    and that he has the power within to create positivity in his life.
  6. A Member strives always to act in an honorable manner: being honest
    with himself and with others, keeping his word when he has given it,
    and fulfilling all responsibilities and commitments he has taken on,
    to the best of his ability.
  7. A Member strives always to remember whatever is sent out always
    returns magnified to the sender. The Forces of the Universe move
    swiftly to remind the Member of these spiritual commitments when he
    forgets them.
  8. A Member strives always to be strong and committed to the Spiritual
    Ideals of the Order in the face of adversity and negativity.
  9. A Member strives always to grow in Inner Wisdom and Understanding.
    He sees every problem as an opportunity to develop himself spiritually in solving it.
  10. A Member strives always to act out of love to all other beings on this
    planet -- to other humans, to plants, to animals, to minerals, to elementals,
    to spirits, to all other entities, and most especially to himself.
  11. A Member strives always to see that the God and Goddess in all their forms dwell
    within himself and that this divinity is reflected his Inner Self, his Pagan Spirit.
  12. A Member strives always to channel love and light from within his inner being.
    His Inner Self, rather than his ego self, guides all his thoughts, feelings, and actions.
  13. Above all else, a Member of this Order is faithful to himself and his convictions,
    in word and deed, in all things and at all times.

    Laws of Hospitality
    for the Realm of
    New Avalon

    1. A Guest always has the right to leave a Host's home, lands,
      celebration, or gathering when they wish (this is not always
      possible in the middle of a ritual and can only be done with
      the permission of the ritual's officiant), without harm or
      threat of harm, with all that he brought with him into the

    2. A Host always has the right to ask a Guest to leave his
      home, lands, celebration, gathering, or ritual without
      conflict of a physical or verbal nature, and to take with
      him all he brought with him into the locale.

    3. A Host has the right to take a weapon of any obvious nature,
      until the Guest is ready to leave, or to request an armed
      Guest make a peace-bond, or to request that the weapon be
      removed from the locale, without argument or conflict, unless
      necessary for a ritual taking place.

    4. A Host has the right to request a Guest not utilize or even
      bring into her/his home, lands, celebration, gathering, or
      ritual any substance or device that may be legally
      questionable or outlawed, or physically harmful to the health
      of the Host or of other Guests (this may be anything from
      drugs, alcohol, poison, cigarettes, handguns, flame-throwers,
      etc. all by the Host's discretion).

    5. A Host may ask a personal rule of hygiene or social conduct
      be followed by a Guest while within the home, lands,
      gathering, celebration, or ritual (for example, removing
      shoes before entering the house, the washing of hands,
      maintaining a low level of noise when someone is sleeping,
      sharing the breaking of bread, etc. all by the Host's

    6. Both Host and Guest are bound by a rule of trust -- none
      shall carry out violence of a physical or psychic nature
      against those present, or they shall be in violation of these
      Rules of Hospitality, which shall be nullified at that

    7. Neither Host nor Guest shall steal from the other, or they
      shall be in violation of these Rules of Hospitality, which
      shall be nullified at that point.

    8. The Host may ask a service of a Guest who is to share meal,
      sleep within the Host's area, or in other words impose upon
      the Host in any manner. This service may not require
      anything of an illegal, personally distasteful, or harmful
      manner, but will most probably be of a simple manner, such as
      assisting in the setting of the table, washing of dishes,
      setting up a ritual or celebration area, chopping or
      gathering wood for a fire, etc.

    9. The Host and Guest, if of different religions, will not seek
      for force their beliefs upon the other. Discussion is
      allowed, but not obvious attempts to convert or

    10. The Host and Guest shall not seek to force their affections
      upon each other sexually. This does not rule out flirtation,
      involvement, or seduction, but does rule out harassment,
      forced sex, and rape. If a person says they are not
      interested, then her/his word is final, and any further
      conduct should be curbed. Violation of this rule nullifies
      these Rules of Hospitality.

    11. A Host may request reimbursement for any supplies that have
      been used in the feeding or entertainment of the Guest that
      are considered excessive by the Host. Additionally, a Guest
      is expected to repay any bills of an excessive nature (such
      as long distance telephone calls) that they are responsible

    12. A Guest at ritual is expected to accept the authority of the
      Officiant as absolute within the ritual area, and shall not
      question her/his authority or actions while within the ritual
      area. Nor shall a Guest seek to disrupt a ritual from within
      or without the ritual area while it is being carried

    13. A Guest is expected to provide a gift for the Host when
      visiting a ritual or celebration (a food dish or libation is
      the common practice). This is waived if not more than one
      day's notice has been given, or if the Guest claims a truly
      impoverished condition in her/his own life.

      Such laws are hereby enacted this Fifteenth Day of December, in the Year of the Sword 1487, by the Sovereign Authority of Sir Gawain Ravenshadow, Duke of New Avalon.

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