Create a construction paper flag of one of the countries in Africa. See Link below for inspiration. Create a faux "Kisii" sculpture from an Ivory Soap Bar. Really, first soften the Ivory Soap with a little water and thin use sculpture tools for a butter knife to cut the "sculpture," into various animals shpes. Need inspiration? See the link below which will show you real Kisii sculpture and give you the African symbolic meaning of the animals that you can create. Write a letter using beads. Yes that's right! The Zulu's of Nbebele tribe living in Zimbabwe have used a color code to send messages for a very long time. The design, color, and placement of the beads are an integral part to the understanding of the message and proverbs. See Links below. The Ashanti are known for their gold weights are popular collector's items and are fun to make. Small sculptural figures can be created from clay and painted with gold acrylic. Gold weights convey moral lessons and proverbs as well as being used for currency. Sound odd? Think about our own dollar bill-can you find the statement on it-"In God we Trust." See link below for examples of Ashanti Gold Weights. The Masai of Kenya have long been known for their warrior abilities and the traditional red, black, and white shield can be easily created from cardboard, paint, beads, cowrie shells, and bells. Rock Paintings of the Tanzania area are plentiful. Rock paintings can be ceated by drawing with charcoal onto a flat smooth rock. First prime the rock with lard or vegetable shortening. You can also carve into a plaster of paris mixture poured into a recyled plastic meat tray. Let the plaster of paris dry. Draw onto a sheet of paper. Lay the paper on top of the dry plaster of paris and retrace drawing. Brush any excess plaster of paris from the drawing and paint the entire drawing a grey wash. You've got a "faux" incised etching. African children are known for their ability to recycle old tin cans into fantastic toys. Try it. What can you create from an old discarded soup can? M-m-m remember Andy Warhol, oh but that's a different story all together.