Pearl of Iman

' And keep on giving the advice (tazkirah), because advice (tazkirah) can give benefit to the believers' (S.51 A.55)
Hayatus Sahabah
All of the Friends of Rasulullah saw (Sahabat) is just like the stars scattered all over the sky. Someone who follow the path and the way of life one of them, he or she will get the lights and will never and ever be lost forever
Fadhail A'amal
The meaning of Ta'alim wa Ta'alum is to enlightened our hearts and souls with the lights of al-Quran and Hadith Rasulullah saw
1001 Smiles
A collection of a real and true humor stories that can touh our feelings and give benefit of Iman
Selected Nasyid
A selectian of contemporary nasyid that can enjoy our souls with serenity and Iman
Famous Mosque
Pictures of the famous mosques in the world
Islamic World
Our Islamic Network
The Stories of New Muslim
Real Stories of New Islamic Converters

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Muzakarah with Abang Along :

Raudhah Asy-Syakirin
Paradise of Thankul Person

The success of all mankind is in the commandmend of Allah swt and following the way of life of Rasulullah saw (as-Sunnah)

You are my friend (sahabat) of who are visiting this Raudhah. All the good things are come from Allah swt and all the bad things are come from my weaknesses. I'm only an ordinary person that have many handicaps, lackness and disabilities. Hope that Allah will gives us Taufik, Hidayah and strength to practice Islam in our whole life. Wallahu a`alam

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