Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the better known personality disorders. The person who is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder is characterized by severe interpersonal relationship disturbances, that are long-standing over many, many years.

People with borderline personality disorder see things in extreme terms - issues, personal relationships, etc. -are either all good or all bad - there are no "gray" areas with these individuals.

Some common characteristics of the borderline personality patient are: Frantic and desperate efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, Inappropriate, intense or extreme anger, Intense mood instability, such as irritability, anxiety, or intense episodes of feeling unwell or unhappy.

Borderline personality disorder is much more prevalent in women, than in men.

Lost in the Mirror : An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder
by Richard A. Moskovitz. Lost in the Mirror is a journey in the shoes of the person with Borderline Personality Disorder. It is a guide to better understanding the origins of suffering and an inspiration to struggle on. If you are borderline, Lost in the Mirror will help you make sense of your chaotic world and provide a road map to recovery. With easy-to-understand language and an extensive resource section that includes self-help groups, treatment centers, books, newsletters, and experts in the field of treatment, Lost in the Mirror is a valuable tool for anyone close to a borderline patient.
From the author

Eclipses : Behind the Borderline Personality Disorder
by Melissa Ford Thornton, Eric W. Peterson, William D. Barley. Written especially for those suffering from borderline personality disorder, "Eclipses: Behind the Borderline Personality Disorder" offers a unique perspective on BPD--from the viewpoint of the patient. Author Melissa Ford Thornton offers hope and compassion, weaving her own personal experiences with real-life stories of fellow sufferers throughout the book.

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I Hate You-Don't Leave Me : Understanding the Borderline Personality
by Jerold J., M.D. Kreisman, Hal Straus, Jerold J. Kriesman. Borderline Personality Disorder sufferers experience violent, frightening mood swings. For the estimated 10 million people diagnosed with BPD living in America, this helpful guide provides a wealth of professional advice, designed to aid BPD victims and their families in coping with this troubling, widespread affliction.