Episode 817 (10/5)-Justin's gone, and Colin's excited that he can finally have a room of his own, bottom bunk and all, no less. Then Amaya ruins all his fun by declaring that she doesn't like her room, so she's moving into his. Colin refuses to let her move in, but after she begs profusely in her little black bikini, he gives in. To make matters worse, Amaya tries to make passes at him during the night, thinking they can rekindle their romance. Colin tries to get rid of her by making "good-natured" comments about her, but he just makes her more upset and more adamant to stay. Trooper Matt and his assistant Kaia feel Amaya needs to stand up for herself, so they tell her to do just that and tell Colin off. She yells at him in the car one day (with the two Good Samaritans present, of course) and makes him upset. She later writes him a note telling him how she doesn't want or need him in her life. Geez, that's not what she was saying a week ago...
Also, Teck and Matt decide to see the finer side of Hawaii by going to a strip club. Teck loves strippers, but they don't all love him. Kaia gets a call from Ruthie one night telling her how she met a stripper named Malo who happens to know Teck. It seems that after he blew up at Ruthie one night, Teck visited Malo and told her what happened. It turns out he said some pretty bad stuff to Malo, all of which Ruthie now knows. And boy is Ruthie (who happens to be returning to the house very soon) pissed. Dum dum dum...

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