Dear Miranda,
What have you done to me? After you left, too early this morning, a shaft of
sunlight broke through my window and melted on the floor. I stood in the
wash of it and felt you all around and through me; a touch of warmth, a
tangle of heat; smooth and soft, strong and blinding. And then it was gone.
I've never heard of anyone touching the sun and yet I know I held it in my
arms all last night long. You give me life, a bright path. It will be dark
until I can feel you again.
My Jax,
I left before I could find out that my night with you was just a dream. Never before had I been so connected to one. You are my angel, Jasper, my knight in shining armor, you are my big Kahuna! Watching you emerge from the ocean, the water dripping over your body and your eyes dancing as you walked towards me, I must say I now have experienced heaven. You are my one and only, baby you and me have a groovy kinda of love.
My dear Miranda,
You've only just left and here I am. The sheets are still warm, my cheek
growing cold and missing its place against your breast, listening to your
heart. I'd know it anywhere. Each time you sigh, or speak or laugh, I feel
it through you, like the rings from a stone thrown on still water. Each one
sings to me. They have become my favorite music. But you're not here, and
the ripples have all fanned out and gone. This room is too damned quiet. My
soul is too still. I keep drinking from your coffee cup, trying to taste
you. Come back soon and sing to me. Come back and sing with me in a race of
rings and quiet thunder.
Love always, my love,
I really do appreciate your adoration for me, but drinking from my coffee cup is a little unsanitary. I'm thinking that perhaps a little time apart might be a good thing. My heart is singing to you, that worries me my love. I have to leave early in the morning just so that I might catch a few hours of sleep. It is hard to sleep peacefully when you are constantly resting on my breast and staring at me. I left a radio on so that you won't be smothered by the quiet in the room. Till next time,
My Miranda,
My wife...I sit here watching you sleep, imagining your dreams, almost
jealous you have a place to go that I can't share. But maybe I do. You
share mine. Your face is red from the wind on the beach today. When you
went in, I sat and stared at our names you wrote in the sand. I wanted to
save them from the tide. But it took them away -- our names and the heart
you drew around them. And then I realized "Miranda and Jax" are now part of
the ocean and we will always hear it tumble our names together in great waves
of excitement whenever we choose to listen. I just wanted you to know that.
That, and I love you. Oh, how I will always love you.
Always and forever, my Miranda,
Jax, My husband,
I woke up today and realized that our night on the beach has changed my life forever. I am now married to you, my Jasper. I'm afraid the detail's are a little fuzzy to me, must have been the vodka. I suppose there could be worse things than being Mrs. Jasper Jax. Funny the worse things aren't coming to me right now. I'm afraid my love we must set soem ground rules. First of all my dreams are off limits to you, I'm smothered by you enough when i'm awake.Second, and most important, leave my coffee cup alone. I saw you stairing at my toothbrush today, you may not use it to taste me. I will work hard in being the woman who will love you as much as anyone can love another. Jax, did you ever know that you were my hero? And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, if you are the wind beneath my wings.
Love, Miranda