I haven't played larry 5, so i can't comment, but i will soon
And i can't rate becos that would be unfair

Here what larry lokkes like:-

Easter Eggs:

•While you have a close up of Chi Chi in the dental office, click on her top button several times.

•When you are outside the hard disk cafe, go behind a bush and use the zipper icon.

Tips & Tricks

• If you purchased LSL5, but it did not come with documentation, go to Sierra's LSL5 page, which has the Aerodork flight codes scanned and shown.

• Put a password on your LSL5 game and can't remember it?  Delete memory.drv from the LSL5 directory, and your problems will be solved.

• Get the latest patches for LSL5 at Sierra's support center.

Girls: Michelle Millikin, Jennifer Jiggle, Lana Luscious, Chi Chi Lambada.


The following walkthroughs are mine,
so i don't care if you take them for your own site
Larry 5

Choice a link:-

The rest of larry:-
Larry 1 Larry 2 Larry 3 Larry 4 Larry 6 Larry 7