New BUSINESS advertising rates as of April 1, 2003

Atlanta Chapter, H.O.G.
Newsletter Advertising Rates

Size of Advertisement 1 Month 6 Months 12 Months
Business Card
(3 5/8 x 2 1/8)
n/a 150.00 275.00
Quarter Page
(3 5/8 x 5 or 7 1/2 x/2 1/4)
n/a 270.00 495.00
Half Page
(7 1/2 x 4 1/2 or 3 3/4 x 9 3/4)
n/a 510.00 935.00
Full Page
(7 1/2 x 9 3/4)
300.00 900.00 1,650.00


Advertisements can be black and white only.

All advertisements must be PREPAID by check Payable to
Atlanta Chapter, H.O.G. before the ad will run in the HOGWASH

Art/advertisements must be provided in clear camera ready art ready to copy
or if is a business card only it must be able to be scanned...we are not
responsible for clarity of ad if proper art is not provided.

Graphic design can be done for a fee - please contact Jan Provost at
770-419-9980 for more information and charges.

All advertisements with completed art and prepayment must be submitted at
least 4 weeks BEFORE they are to run in the next HOGWASH issue.

****Completed Advertisement copy along with full payment
must be given to either
Rene' Durham 770-944-1340
Jan Provost 770-419-9980

Advertising Rates for
Personal Advertisements or
Announcements in the
Atlanta Chapter, H.O.G.'s HOGWASH.

25 words or less $10.00 per issue.
50 words or less $15.00 per issue.
100 words or less $25.00 per issue.

Any personal advertisement with picture, photo or more than 100 words
will be sold at regular business advertising rates.

The rates above apply only to PERSONAL advertisements,

All Personal advertisements or announcements
Must be prepaid by personal check, payable to
Atlanta Chapter, H.O.G. upon deliver of
verbiage before appearing in HOGWASH.

**Harley-Davidson of Atlanta reserves the right to edit or refuse any ad for any Reason!
****All Personal Ads with Payment by check must be
given to Rene' Durham 770-944-1340 at
Harley-Davidson of Atlanta!!!