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The Hole Boys

Welcome to 'The Hole', if you don't know what it is, why the hell you at this site? The Hole is something that only we could possibly understand, relate to, and comprehend. No need to go into further depth, you know who you all are. Inside you'll find some pics, some should be fairly familiar, since well, you were all there. Wether or not you were sober, is a different matter... So just head on in, take a look, I'm slowly workin' on it when I can, so check in often. Later my boys. Special thanks to some of my boys' ma's and pa's this summer who put up with me, fed and bedded me, you're too good. -Stinky Thumbs Arbuckle, atti2d.

*Note* This page is constantly being revamped and updated, so check in often, but for now just enter my Hole.
Today is Sunday, March 9, 2025. This site was last updated on December, 16th 1999.
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Page me, I stole the idea from Stevie

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Any artwork found on this webpage was created by myself, if you want any of it, ask.