Yes, I have read the books. They make me laugh, The maps? If they are factual why aren't the authors rich with gold?
My grandfather, an old mountain man, who lived among the Indians in the Uintah mountains, would always say he had no use for the gold. He would only talk about the vastness of it. Because of his closeness to the land, and the original people of it he was shown many things. My Grandfather died an old man when I was only five years old. But, I remember all vividly. He gave me some very old special gifts. He loved me very much. An old medicine woman knew of me. Many years later she called me to council. She blessed me and gave me many gifts. Among which were the gift of healing and the gift of site. I was told of the Spaniards. The history of the gold and its people. She gave me six burial sites of gold, one of which is to have many precious stones. I was shown a Spanish map detailing these sites and many more. The trails, where the cathedrals were, where the Indians were untouched because of the sacred grounds. Where the arrowheads were made of gold. Even where events like horse races were held. This map covered a large part of Utah and its surrounding areas. I was told that the gold was "available" in the six areas I was given.
I got a trusted partner and access to the equipment we would need for one of the sites. I took him to the area. Told him of the gold. Showed him the dove carved on the tree. Which was the beginning of the burial area, and the grafted quaking asp which was the end. The marked trees, the fallen trees in a pattern ECT.. He became very excited. But he had business out of town for a month. Then we would get right on it. I have heard many times of what gold fever can do to people. In the month he was supposed to be gone he was very busy tearing up the hillside, and removing its treasures. Because of the remoteness of the area. I didn't return to the site for about three weeks. This man made me aware that my life was worth nothing to him if I caused trouble for him in any way.
I do not need to be filthy rich. This site I gave him had been a place of ambush. The Spaniards were traveling with their carts full of gold to the winter quarters. The Spaniards fought off the Indians, but their losses were great. The Indians killed or ran off most of their mules and horses. So the gold was buried until they could return from the Uintah mountains with more men and mules. They never returned. This was at the end when the Indians drove out their captors from the land. There was a tremendous amount of gold there, but certainly not enough to be killed over. So I smiled and walked away. I have other sites, and because of this experience last summer I am much wiser. I trust no one. I do want the gold and precious stones. But I can not do it alone. So what is the solution?