August Milleker
Duluth, MN 55804
United States
Welcome to my web page, my name is Augie and I'm an amature radio buff. I've been interested in radio for over 25 years, started out on the CB and have gone on to get my Ham ticket. You can still find me on 11 meters, in fact I am the VP of our local sideband club. We meet on lower 38 every sunday night at 8:00pm, we are called the Northland Net and we cover NE Minn and NW Wis. It's fun every once in awhile when the band is open and we have people checking in from all over the country. This fall I put up a 60' tower and a PDLII, it's loads of fun working DX with this setup.I've recently added a 10 element yagi for 2meters to my base station. I've also started working on upgrading my HAM ticket. It's alot of work but it can be fun.
Enough about me, what I would like to do is use this forum as a way to exchange ideas and information to make the radio even more fun.We can show ways to upgrade and modify radios to get more out of them. Also possibly sell or trade used equipment, a sort of clearing house for this hobby. So if you have any questions or thoughts to share, feel free to e-mail me. Hope to hear You on the airwaves some day. 73's KB0SUV....32W1170 on the CB
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