The trail leads you up through a thickly wooded rainforest. You can hear birds and bugs singing all around you. And... you can hear a person singing. You follow the small sound off the path and into the trees. Pushing aside leaves, you see a little clearing, only about size for 6 people to stand comfortably. In the middle a bright blue light floats. The sound is coming from it. The glow gasps at you suddenly. As your eyes focus, you see that it is a fairy.

"Oh, who are you?" She asks sweetly. "A a visitor." You say. "Well, I'm Olika the fairy of the rainforest." You nod,"I'm sorry, did I interupt something?" She thinks then slowly nod,"Acctually you are, but I don't mind, it's ok, really." It's your turn to ask something,"Could you tell me, what were you doing?" "Blessing" She says,"With my song I bless the new hatchling for it's protection that no one shall harm it and that when the egg hatches she will be safty in her new home" "Of course" You say. "Er, where is the hatchling?" She looks over you. "I see in your heart you are no evil. I will show you the child but you must not lay finger on her, and if you dare steal so shall you be stricken down." You gulp to think about that and nod. "I won't"

The fairy shows you into a tight space between two very tall trees. Under one is a grass nest. In the nest are shards from a brightly colored egg. Looking around you ask,"Where...?" The fairy nods and points. In the bush is a gray furred mare with light blue mane and horns. She steps into the clearing and nods to you. "If you are deamed worthy by the fairy, then you are worthy by me."

"I am Cristiline, a Teinalken. This is my home as ever it shall be until time itself has taken last breath. It is the safest place one could ever be." With that, she smiles widely and returns to the forest.

Youth=Egg and Hatchling Pic
Birth Vyrite=Wild
Wings: n, n
ForeFeet: C, a
HindFeet: A, d
Tail: D*, D*
Spines: n, n
Mane: S*, r

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