You look around you. You can see hill after hill of snow, slightly tented blue by the dusk. A heard of carabu lumber around lichens in the distance. You blow on your hands in attempt to keep them warm and pull your garb around you tighter. You can see your breath infront of your face. If you can't find anyone soon, you'll have to go back.

After about one cold hour of wondering around the desert of snow, you diside it's not worth it, and turn to go back. But it's so cold and you're so exausted from walking. You sit down for a quick rest, your arms around you as you shiver. What you wouldn't give for a nice house with a heater right now! You close your eyes for a second...

Something touches your shoulder and wakes you up. You jump in surprise and turn to look at it. It's a blue feline, bigger than the avrage house cat. It has two long horns on it's head and a short mane. Around it's fore ankle are bracelets.

"Who are you?" You ask. "English then?" It says,"Very well. I'm Eiba'Ikta, meaning Sea Foam in my language. I've been watching you for about an hour now." "An hour?" You gasp,"Have I been asleep that long?" Eiba'Ikta stares at you,"Asleep? No way. You just sat down." He smiles. "Maybe you need to thaw your brain a little. Follow me then." You get up and trudge after him. Minutes later, he stops at a snow dune. "What?" You ask, not knowing quite what else to say. He grins. "It's just hidden. Look." He uses his big snowshoe paws to get at the snow, and in no time there is a little cave entrance.

You follow him into the cave and dust off the snow. The cave isn't big enough for you to stand, but it is quite comfortable and surprisingly warm. "Better?" He asks. You nod. Now that your out of the snow, you can see him better. You relise you've never seen anything like him before... "What are you? Uh, that is to say, I've never seen your spesis, and I was wondering wha..." "Snowcat." He smiles,"I'm a snowcat. Of wild birth. We origanated in the Typatha Mountains." "Oh. Ok. Thanks. Um, could you tell me how to get out of this snow? I'm afraid I'm not adapt to it." Eiba'Ikta thinks for a second then looks at you."I think the village might help. Check that out. Its to the north of here."