Larger Than Life

All I Have To Give

Anywhere For You

As Long As You Love Me

Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
Neat Facts
Mr. Csillag

Get Down

I Want It That Way

I'll Never Break Your Heart (new version)

I'll Never Break Your Heart (old version)

Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)

We've Got It Goin' On


Fans Make the Videos

Everybody (Backstreet's Back)

An Interview with Mr. Csillag

"Who is Mr. Csillag?" you ask. After doing some online searching, I found that he is a professional photographer that works for a company based in London, England, and has worked with many famous bands.
He worked on A Night Out With the Backstreet Boys, but they seemd to have spelled his name wrong on the box. They spelled it 'Csillig.' I say this is wrong because the stuff I found on the internet about him came up when I searched 'Csillag.'

  • How long have you known the Backstreet Boys?
    I met them in October 1995. I have been on many BSB tours, Germany, England, Holland and Canada.
  • When did you meet the boys last?
    At the end of may.
  • The video- it's a story of a dream and monsters?
    Yes. The bus doesn't work anymore and the Boys have to stay in this haunted house. They fall asleep and Brian starts to dream. The boys get transformed into nightmarish characters- Aj as the Phantom of the Opera, Brian as a werewolf, Nick as a mummy, Kevin as Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Howie as a dracula. At the end, it finishes when everybody is in a atmosphere of the XVIIIe.
  • It's who's idea of that kind of video?
    NICK! He likes cartoons and comics. He just said that like that and everybody liked the idea. They thought it was cool and different. They just had to find a good director: Joseph Kahn.
  • The video shoot was three days long. What was it like on the set?
    Work, work, and work! The the makeup for Kevin took 6 and a half hours. Nick's makeup was the shortest, four hours. Imagine, one day finishing in the morning at 5:30AM... and we start back at 8:45AM!
  • It must have still been fun for the boys?
    It was still very hard for them after their makeup was done... they couldn't eat and they could only drink with a straw! In the case of Nick, poor him! He couldn't do a single move with all his bandages. But the hardest would have been Brian because with his werewolf teeth, he couldn't talk! [Webmaster's note: watch the making of Everybody on All Access]
  • How did the boys act on the set?
    They were very excited, but very tired also. There were some 14 hour days for the boys. Also they just had finished filming "As long As You Love Me" the day before they started "Everybody". And right after the videos they were flying to England to do some shows!
  • Were there any funny events that happened on the set?
    RATS! Kevin was working with 4 or 5 rats and his head and shoulders. The problem is that one of them decided to go under his costume and stay on his shoulder. He still continued filming even though in his head, he was thinking, "Should I stop, should I laugh or what?!"
  • Is there any other funny events that happened?
    Nick had done 3 hours straight, filming a scene. And every 2 seconds, they would redo his makeup. Then the next day, they looked at what they filmed and they had to start over because they was something wasn't OK! Poor Nick!
  • With who did you work with earlier in your career? [As a photoghrapher, remember.]
    Well, with Duran Duran, Boy George and the New Kids on the Block.
  • How do the Backstreet Boys compare to the other bands when they work?
    With all the groups I’ve worked for, the Backstreet Boys are the group who worked the hardest. And they really take care of their fans. When they have an autograph session, it's them that wants it. They are really polite and they stop every time to have pictures taken.