maryland championship wrestling


This fed is designed for those who like using the World Wrestling Federation's characters.So if you like e-feds like these, then sign on up and start your MCW career this very minute!!


1. This fed uses a simulator but has booking capabilities.

2. Must frequently role play. Don't expect something, you don't deserve.

3. If there's a wrestler you decide to use, that I don't have already in my sim I will need you to find out his attributes and send them to me. You can most likely find them on and if you don't feel like looking those up, well, pick another wrestler.

4. Check the roster board to make sure the wrestler you are requesting is still available.

5. Don't use other wrestler's in your role plays unless you have their permission.

6. Your allowed up to 2 wrestlers.

7. Always try to bring new people to the fed. That's what keeps things heated up.

8. Shows: There will be two shows a week. 1. Monday Night Raw, 2. (Thursday) Smackdown

Instructions for Joining

After checking the roster board to make sure your character is available, simply email me with who you want and his attributes if you would like them different than what they are. Also, I need your real name and email address.



MCW Options

MCW Roster
Roleplay Board
PPV Promo

This is a non-profit organization. Everything on this website and the pages the follow it, are for the sole purpose for entertaining people. In no way, shape, or form am I, Chad Miller, trying to rip off the World Wrestling Federation for its achievement in the wrestling industry. Special thanks to Lady Juel for her help on this site. You can visit her by clicking here

You can reach me on AOL at BadB0y00 or on ICQ w/ 37461965