An awesome array of travel oriented sites/resources!
has an outstanding travel agent database which gets you a great price quote on many destinations and originations. Just look for the travel icon on the main page or search "travel" and the banner will come up.

Ramprat's Flight Line
Definitely the site to see if you're gonna go to Honolulu International Airport. As a former airline employee, you'd expect Greg Kingsley to know some things about flying commercial, as well as the nuances of HNL. He does! He also has a load of personal information as well as Hawaii information in general.

Continental Airlines on-line. They have what's called a C.O.O.L. Travel Assistant which can give you quotes on airfare between two cities, as well as car and hotel arrangements. They even have a mailing list and weekly
e-mail newsletter for fare specials, which I subscribe to.

Korean Air on-line. They have somewhat of a limited  version of Continental's
assistant (no online price quotes), but they do give some helpful info
on their desination cities, such as weather, attractions, and the like.
They also have a mailing list for their price specials.

American Airlines on-line. No utils for price quotes, but they do offer flight schedules. Unfortunately, no direct flights to Hawaii from Manila!

Northwest Air offers daily flight between Manila and Honolulu, via Japan, at reasonable prices.

China Airlines may not have much of a reputation, from what I hear, but this customer comment comes from my brother Allen: they didn't have any delays at any of his 3 departures! Talk about being on time or what???