City Pagans By: Kenny and Tzipora We have hidden in the valleys We've hidden in the woods In the cities we were nameless And our rites remained in hoods. But the time has come upon us To rebuild the cup of joy From the cities great and mighty Sparta, Crete and Troy. We have loosed the call among us To our kinfolk near and far Our gods respond and answer "Spread more beauty and more cheer. Though once the price was costly We require from you this: Love and trust and friendship And the sacred five-fold kiss." Now the burning times have ended And Gaea awaits her call From the distant country farmlands And the cities great and tall. For deep within the cities wait The power of rebirth To greet the gods of ancients And their duties to the earth Once the gods had flourished In the hills and mountains high But now their children need them In the cities hear their cry! The age of science welcomes Once again the myth of old Of promises unbroken Yes, our children will be told. The age of science welcomes Once again the myth of old Of promises unbroken Yes, our children will be told.