The Question Song By: Ian Corrigan The moon is high upon the hill, And we have come to work our will. What is your will, o children wise-o? To call the queen who rides the skies-o Our silver queen who rides the skies. But is she dark or is she bright? How shall you know her in the night? What is her token to her own-o That she among you might be known-o That she among you might be known.. She is bright as starlight clear Yet in the dark we know her near The threefold moon is her own sign-o That we may know her as divine-o That we may know her as divine. How shall you call her from the stars? How shall she hear you from afar? And if she comes in to this pace-o How shall you name her threefold grace-o? What shall you name her ancient grace? We dance the circle nine times nine We hold on high her holy sign Draw down the moon upon the green-o Come to Diana as our queen-o Hail to Diana our bright queen. The moon is high upon the hill, And we have come to work our will. What is your will, o children wise-o? To call the queen who rides the skies-o Our silver queen who rides the skies.