Internet Link Exchange
Member of Really Cool and Awesome Internet Link Exchange

Last updated on Sunday, August 16 1998.

News, August 10:Today, I put new logos on the main Adam Sandler pages, and the War2 strategy page is also up. War2 puds, and War2 links will be up later today. Jokes coming soon
News, August 9 latenite:About half of the War2 section is up (its like 12:00 AM) and the other half will be up tomorrow..time to sleep for me.
News, August 9:I updated the page at today but no, it never worked. I could never get the page to load, and when it loaded once, it gave me some notice that the page isn't there. So that's why I moved here to Tripod. I redid the menubar today, and I am working on the Warcraft II page right now. It should be up any day.
News, August 8:Well folks, for some reason, I felt like re-doing the frames today. I am just bored these days. In the next few days, I will start putting together the Warcraft II part of my homepage which won't be so easy with TheGlobe. Some new cool links this week. I'll also, put a new MIDI on the page too, or maybe one of those MIDI changers.

Mail me your favorite links that you want me to put on my homepage email me here.

The makers of Paint Shop Pro 5 (the prog that I used to make the graphics).
If you play one of the more popular games on the market today, this site is for you.
IRC Chat. Similar, but much bigger and better then AOL chat.

This page is always
Under Construction
so visit often!

If you have more jokes, pictures, or sounds or an address where I an find them, pleasee tell me or send them to me. I will try to get them up ASAP. Or if you just want to ask me a question. I'll be glad to answer it. ©1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 k

Disclaimer: I am not Adam Sandler nor do I know him. Please do not send email to me addressing it to Adam Sandler.

This Adam Sandler Ring site is owned by kitman.

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