
Jen's View
Updated Nov. 28!

Joey's Odd Place
The co-founder

The DC Debate
Our responds

Help us in the fight!

The brave souls

Members Speak
Check out the winner!

The stuff that just doesn't fit in

New and Improved! Take it!

Our busy place

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Answering Machine
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Thank yous
In aprecciation

This site is our debate against DC bashers, (one site in particular... ;) hence the name the "Dawson's Creek Bashing Brigade's Bashing Brigade" a.k.a. the DCB4. This site supports Dawson's Creek, we do not bash it. And no, we are not the characters Jen and Joey from the show, nor are we Michelle Williams or Katie Holmes. We are real people just like you, and even if it is fun for us to recieve messages from of you like "Michelle, you rock!" or "Joey, you should really go out with Dawson!", we are not them! Just to clarify that and any other unsettling feelings, please read the disclaimer on the bottom of the page before going ahead.

November 30, 1999:

Yes, this is an actual update! A new picture and everything! How is everyone? I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to fill out the survey and/or voted in the poll to tell me what the DCB4's new "look" should be. An overwhelming number of you said that we should leave it the way it is, so that's what we're gonna do.

I know we have a really long URL and you might forget where to reach our site, but now you can find us at or Because of this URL change, some of the links may be a little wacky so please bear with us. I'm not making any promises, but I might add a bunch of new stuff to the site soon. If you have any questions or comments, just e-mail me at

Where's the beef?

The Dawson's Creek Bashing Brigade!

See what the fuss is all about!

Why We Bash

Our intellegent reasoning, updated!

E-mail Joey

The often sarcastic odd co-creator

E-mail Jen

The cheery co-creator (most of the time...)

The online creek

Meet Dawson and the gang!

If you would like to link our site, please copy and paste the following code:
<a href=""> <img src="" alt="The DCB4" border="0"></a>

It should look like this when you're done:
The DCB4

people have been here

Disclaimer:This site is fully intented for debate purposes only. It is not, in any way meant to offend or comment against any member of the DCBB or DC basher. What is written in the messageboard is out of our control, and any slander in that section is coincidental.

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|Answering Machine| |Members Speak| |Jen's View| |Joey's Place|
|E-Mail Jen| |E-Mail Joey| |Thank Yous|

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