School to Work

"We think the great opportunity you have is to remold the entire American system for human resources development. What is essential is that we create a seamless web of opportunities to develop one's skills that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone."

Marc Tucker, National Center on Education and the Economy, in a letter to Hillary Clinton, November 11, 1992

When you think ahead to your child(ren) graduating from high school, you think of the school giving them a broad base of knowledge. Knowledge based on reading, writing, history, science, math, and the arts.

All this may be taking an abrupt turn, as School-to-Work is implemented throughout the United States, including your local school district.

Sure, they will most likely continue to teach the above, but many people feel it will be to a lesser degree; instead including and focusing on skills needed to be successful in the workplace.

One of the big players in the School-to-Work movement is the National Center on Education and the Economy and Marc Tucker.

For those of you who have a hard time believing the NCEE and Tucker are pushing School-to-Work with the Department of Labor, the Department of Education, and Bill and Hillary Clinton read the following in NCEE's own Words:

"The National Center on Education and the Economy has a long history of policy development, research and implementation in education reform and human resources development. Our agenda is captured in the work of the National Center's three programs: The National Alliance of Restructuring Education, New Standards and the Workforce Skills Program. The National Alliance is committed to redesigning the American school system so that all children can meet high standards; New Standards is developing a set of high academic and work readiness standards and an assessment system that will measure whether or not our young people have met those standards; and Workforce Skills Program is building state-of-the-art education, employment and training systems in both policy and practice across the country.

Accomplishments and Achievements:

With organizations like NCEE and people like Tucker, Clinton, along with federal school-to-work laws and acts(federal funding attached), and control by governors of states; is there really true local control of the School-to-Work programs?

Under School-to-Work, various labor boards will be set up to determine what the employment needs of your area are. Attached to these needs will be the skills needed to succeed in those jobs. The boards will then work with local school districts and mold the curriculum to teach children the skills needed for the jobs in the local area. So, you can draw conclusions for yourself, that School-to-Work will water-down the typical education we want for our children.

The research director of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs has provided the following description of "School-to-Work in 200 Words or Less." It is by an Oklahoma City technology consultant with 35 years experience in the computer and tech industry and a former Vice President of Engineering for Control Data Corp. and a former Corporate Chief Technical Officer for Seagate Tech.