Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence in Millard, Nebraska Public Schools

by Shirley D. McCune

Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory

Over the past ten years, the Trend Report has developed an analysis of the basic restructuring of America. The following list identifies basic shifts which are part of this restructuring. "FROM" identifies where we have been and "TO" identifies where we are headed. ______________________________________________________

From an industrial society to an information society

From a centralized society to a decentralized society

From North to South

From a national economy to an integrated global economy

From forced technology to high tech/high touch

From either/or to multiple option

From physics-oriented technologies to biology-oriented technologies

From economics of scale to appropriate scale

From a managerial society to an entrepreneurial society

From left brain to right brain

From institutional medicine to personal responsibility

From sickness orientation to wellness orientation

From hierarchies to networking