Welcome to our picture pages, we will be adding more information, like dragon stats and caresheets. For now, enjoy the pictures!
One of our babies! A little upset! An Australian bearded dragon, Pagona vitticeps.
Here's another one of our babies! A little golden dragon with tail curled and alert.

This is Puff at 2 years. A male and now a grandfather.
This is SunKist, a 1 year old Sandfire cross Red/Gold, very orange.
This is another photo of SunKist.
This is Fire. A seven month old male bearded dragon, red sandfire cross from the Sandfire Ranch.
This was our first red phase bearded dragon. We bought her as a Male Red Phase dragon. She is female, an orange phase 3 years old. She is a grandma now. We have second generation dragons from her.
Our new Australian Water Dragons, Physignatus L. Lesueurii.
Another photo of the male Australian Water Dragon, Physignatus L. Lesueurii.
Our new two month old pancake tortoise.
Our female Uromastyx ocellatus ornatus. taken: 6/13/98
Our male Uromastyx ocellatus ornatus. taken: 6/13/98

Male Mali Uromastyx.....(Uromastyx maliensis)
Tis is our 3 year old male Mali. His name is Hot Rod. Being a desert lizard, he likes it hot. He likes his basking spot almost 130 degrees. He will eat snap peas from our hands.

Female Mali Uromastyx.....(Uromastyx maliensis)
This is our 3 year old female Mali. Her name is Hot Cakes. She likes it hot. Can be found basking on top of Hot Rod. If she sees you coming with snap peas, she's yours. Hoping for some baby cakes!
Baby Mali Uromastyx, five months old.
Jeffrey, a 9 month old male Sandfire cross Red/Gold showing off (Beard Display) for the girls.
All of our Sandfire cross Red/Gold dragons come from Bob Mailloux's Sandfire Dragon Ranch.
Sandy, another Sandfire cross, 11 month old female with eggs.
Monkey on a stick.
Monkey in a basket.
Solomon Islands Prehensile Tail Skink or Monkey-Tail Skink.....(Corucia zebrata)
Me and Copper, another Monkey-Tail Skink, working on the computer.
This is a gravid female Solomon Island Monkey Tail Skink. Her estimated age is 12 years old. She has been in captivity for nine years. And she still looks pretty much the same as the day she entered captivity in 1988.
This is twins, born 7 PM 12/20/97. They are just three hours old in this picture.
White's Tree Frogs, Bud and Bud Light.
Rankins Dragon (pogona brevis) 6 weeks old. Our newest addition, 7/30/98, also from the Sandfire Dragon Ranch!