My favorite place, Silver Lake on Ocracoke Island NC



Thanks for stopping in!  Please feel free to roam around or take your shoes off and sit a spell.  I hope that you find some things of interest here.

I have a wide variety of interests and will share some of the great websites that I have found about them with you here.

Purdue University Sports which I have 
included links to.  (Purdue fans--don't miss my Mike 
Alstott Tribute page). 

Visit my XENA "The Quest" page with links to some great Xena sites!

Native American Culture & Traditions are also 
important to me, so there are links to some of the 
informative sites that I have found on my travels on 
the web. (under construction..but be sure to check 
out my Powwow's takes awhile to load, but 
well worth it, if I do say so myself)

My photo page has some pics of me and my "fur 
children" (pets) and some other fun photos.

This home page is continually under construction as 
of now.  So check back often for more yet to come!!

My favorite things and links to other related sites

My NASCAR page
NASCAR links and pictures
XENA--The Quest
picture and audio and XENA links
My TV & MOVIE Midi page
come hear the tunes
My Favorite Pop & Rock Midis
More Tunes
Purdue University Sports Links
Lots of Links and more yet to come
My Photos & others
Includes me, my "fur Children" and more
Film Sound Bytes
Some Classics & Some Not So Classic
Dana Tiger Homepage Nat. Am. Artist
Artist of picture at top of this page
My Native American "Campfire" page
My Powwow photos & Native Am. Links