~"speed 2"~

It was early a few mornings later that Keryn and Kayla gathered to talk. Very early. As in so early the street lamps were still on outside and it was deadly silent. They had gathered to discuss their plan of action. It had to be boyless and completely foil and of Dan's preparations, and, of course, it had to be fun. They weren't going to tell anyone about it. They were just going to do it. Random behavior seemed to be the key.

"I say we go on a cruise." Said Kayla defiantly as she sipped her hot chocolate and wrapped her bed sheets closer. Keryn sitting at the other end of the bed fiddled with her tweety bird slippers and thought.

"A cruise? What as in Speed 2?"

"No not as in Speed Two. I don't plan on having any crazed bomb man on my boat."

Keryn looked doubtful.

"Kezza think about it. There will be loads of guys there that will take our minds of the others."

"You want to take your mind of Ike?"

Kayla became interested in the marshmallow floating in her drink.

"Kayla?" Keryn asked sternly.

Kayla looked up sheepishly.

"Well, It's not that I don't like him." Keryn raised her eyebrows. "It's just that we are so full on so fast." Keryn smirked. "What?" Kayla demanded.

"Listen to yourself. We are not letting Dan win."


They sipped and thought for a while.

"I think that a cruise is good Kayla, a nice long peaceful cruise. "She paused for a moment, "but you have to bring Ike." Kayla looked at her, puzzled. "Think about it, we are trying to beat Dan the only way to do that is for you to bring Ike."

Kayla thought about this. Yes sure Keryn was right. But did she want this? She had to want this. She took another sip of her drink.

"But Kezza, I can't exactly ring him up and ask him to go on a cruise."

Keryn almost spat her hot chocolate all over the bed.

"I hate to break it to you girl but that is exactly what you're going to do."

"What about Tay?" Was Kayla's fast reply.

"I don't know."

"You do..tell me….NOW!"

"Kayla I am so confused. Since everything came out with Justin it is like …." Keryn was lost for words

The girls became quiet. How could one explain the events of the last few days? After Justin had come over and found Kayla alone they had compared their letters. Kayla had been brutal. And had shocked Justin. She was so angry at him for hurting Keryn, letter or no letter he still had the power to control his own actions. They had talked for a long time. Justin slowly wore away Kayla's angry exterior and they had come to a agreement. They both realised that nothing would be the same again but they also realised they were friends first and that they were in it together. When Keryn arrived home late that night Kayla and Justin were still deep in thought. Justin apologized thousands of times to Keryn before she told him to leave. Kayla and Justin had spoken since but Keryn, still deeply hurt was buried in confusement. She still had feelings for him…..and Taylor.

"Kayla, I still have something there for Jussy, it didn't all go that night." Kayla nodded, "but also I have Taylor at the back of my mind"

"I know."

"What do you mean 'you know'?"

"I know. I love Justin, he, deep down, is a nice guy. Taylor is the supportive guy. You have to hand it to him, everything you do he supports. You have to choose Keryn, or you have to choose to let them both go..for now."

"I can't do that."

"Maybe you should try. A cruise would be perfect. They cant reach you and you are surrounded by fresh faces. No reminders of the past."

"Except for Ike."

"Yeah except for him."

They laughed.

"So Kezza what do ya say?"

"I say okay….just how many rooms will we get?"

"What sorta question is that?"

"A perfectly logical one."


"Well….will you share a girl 2 single bed room with me or a cozy double bed with the Isaac?"

Kayla rolled her eyes.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Keryn smiled.

"If they asked you..why not me." Taylor demanded to his brother who was infuriating him by casually reading a book.

"What Tay?"

"I said..Why aren't I invited?"

"Don't ask me."

"I mean…who else is going?"

"Just Me, Kayl and Keryn."

Taylor pouted.

"What about me?"

Ike put is book down.

"What about you? The world doesn't revolved around you."

" Keryn needs to take somebody."


"Cos Kayla is."


"Is she taking Justin?"

"After what happened…No I don't think so."

Taylor planted himself on a chair with a huff.

"I want to go on a cruise."

"Taylor..please..I'm trying to read."

Taylor leant over and took Ike's book away.

"Listen to me Ike…I want to go."

"Then ring and ask."

Taylors face lit up. "Really? You think I could you know..just ask?"

… "Yes really..give me my book back."

… Taylor threw the book at his brother as he raced for the phone.

Keryn lifted the phone off the cradle, staring at it. . . pondering on whether or not she should dial the Hanson digits. "Invite Taylor or not to invite Taylor" Keryn sighed and sat down, keeping her eyes on the phone. Keryn traced the buttons with her fingers as she finally decided on what to do. He was her friend. They would have fun. Or not. . . Okay, this was confusing. She had no idea what to do. And staring at the phone was not going to help the situation. She let her mind wander over the Hanson digits again, deciding against it she started to replace the phone. The phone sprang to life. Lights and noise coming from every part of the talking machine.

… "Ahh" Keryn gasped as it fell to the floor.

… The phone had rung.

… Keryn snapped back into reality and put the phone up to her ear.

… "Uhhh. . . Hello?" Keryn answered.

… "That was a nice greeting. As I can tell you are going to be happy to hear my voice."

… "Oh, hey Tay."

… "Yeah, hey. . . what's up?"

… "Oh nothing. . ."

… "Hmmm. . . Thats nice."

… Keryn was beginning to wonder why he had rang her.

… "So, you rang me hey Tay?"

… "Oh yeah, I guess I did."

… This boy was acting weird.

… "Well, what did you want to say?" Keryn brightened up and happily spoke into the phone.

… "Well, I was thinking. It's kind of unfair that I don't get an invite and Ike does. You know? I mean, we are having a little break on what we are doing at the moment cause we done a whole lot. . . So, I was wondering. . ."

… He wasn't really one for keeping in what he felt, well, sometimes.

… "Tay, don't you think that that would be a little hard at the moment. I kind of said some stuff the other day and you are yet to acknowledge that I even said it at all. Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

… There was some silence in the air. "Uhh, well, I know that." …

"Okay. . ."

"Well, I. . I. . I didn't really like, ummm.. . .. .. ... So.. . . Can I come to the thing?"

"Oh Taylor. Just do what ever you want to do" Keryn angrily sighed.

"Oh, don't get mad."

"What do you expect. Do you think this is all nice and cozy? Like, I will wait an eternity for the answer?"

"Mmm. . . mm" Taylor shrugged.

"Well, I won't. Sure, come to the cruise. We will hang out like friends, like we used to."

"Uhhh. . . Thanks."

"Yeah, Kayla will tell Ike whats going on. See you some time. Bye"

Keryn hung up the phone and slid down the wall. She truly didn't know anymore. What else could she do? Hot tears started to slide down on her cheek.

Why am I crying again? I am always crying lately. Far out. Keryn furiously wiped away the tears and pulled herself up from the floor. She walked down the hall and shouted out to Kayla in the kitchen.

"Taylor's coming. Book something."

"Oh, okay then. I'll call them back."


Keryn silently hoped in the back of her mind that Kayla would accidently book Taylor on a different ship. Who knows, perhaps this is what she needed, face to face with Taylor. That hadn't happened for a few weeks now. Keryn then remembered what happened those weeks ago. About four stolen kisses. She buried her face in her hands and loudly sighed. "Saaaveee meeee" Keryn flopped herself onto the bed and picked up a magazine, looked up and thanked for her spring break. Soon, soon.

Taylor planned his launch. His elder brother lay on the couch watching teleshopping, he was in exactly the right position to be sprung. Taylor bundled up like a cat and threw himself over Ike. His brother didn't even flinch.

"Hey Ike..whats with the nerves of steel?"

"You have been my brother all your life..I know your moves."

"Well anyways she invited me."

"I can tell cos if she hadn't you would have gone to our room to sulk. That is another of your slick moves."

Taylor smirked. The phone rang.

"It'll be for you Ike, Kayla will want to know details."

"I know, she's quite the planner."

"Yeah, you two ARE the perfect match."

Ike smiled as he slid out the door. Taylor's face fell. Keryn hadn't responded as he expected. Sure he was going and all but going as a friend. She made that very clear. She had almost seemed angry, actually she had seemed angry. She wanted a answer. She wanted him to tell her that he loved her back, and he did. Just he didn't know when to tell her. Or how. Maybe this cruise would be the answer to all their questions.


"Hey Ike, how did ya know it was me?"


"Yeah okay. Well Mr. Magic I hear we have another traveller, am I correct?"

"Yes my brother decided to invite himself along?"

"No? He invited himself?"

"Yes he surely did. He is over the moon. So I guess we will need two rooms now, one for them and the other for us."

There was silence. Kayla almost dropped the phone.


"What did you say?"

"I said we'll need two rooms."

"Yes…One for…"

Ike interrupted "…Us and the other for Keryn and Tay."

Kayla couldn't believe she was hearing this.

"No..Kezza and I will share a room."

Now it was Ikes turn to think.

"Kayl, something wrong?"

"No nothings wrong, I just don't like this idea."

"That's cool…you guys can share a room, I'm cool with that."

"Yeah but that's not what worries me."

"I didn't mean.."

"I know you didn't but still.."

"Kayla, I respect you…whatever you say goes."

"I know you do Ike….I guess our age difference just throws up a few assumptions that we don't agree on."

"Hey..3 years….2 years in a month. I know your age girl..I know your 15. I didn't mean that we would..I just thought it would be..Comfortable together."

"Yeah. Comfortable. Ike don't get me wrong but maybe we should be so..full on..we only just got together..I still need heaps of space."

Ike clutched the phone tighter, he felt her slipping away.

"What are you saying."

"Ike..I am saying I love you so much that I don't want to throw this away on a hot and heavy relationship."

"You saying we're not in a relationship now?"

"No….listen to me..I am going on a cruise with you in 10 days. I am saying..lets be less caught up in the relationship..lets enjoy it more. I think if we do that..we will get a lot closer." Ike relaxed

"Okay then Kayla."

"So, what did your parents say?"

Now it was Ike's turn to almost drop the phone. How could he forget to ask? This was stupid. Kayla sighed on the other end of the phone. "Ike, go ask."

"But Mooommmmm" Taylor whined.

"C'monnnnn" Ike followed.

"Boys, your father is right, we can't let you do this."

"Dad, it won't go for very long, and we are like eighteen and sixteen now." Ike commented.

"I know, you boys are extremely responsible. Any other time, I think I would let you. But at the moment, c'mon guys." Walker sat down at the kitchen table.

"Dad, please. I know we are really busy at the moment. The cruise won't go for all that long and we are ahead anyways. Why don't you just work on Zac?" Taylor finished as Zac walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, don't bring me into this." He smiled, joining his father at the table. "They're pathetic, aren't they?" Zac giggled "I mean, personally, I think you should let them go. . . I will have the room to myself and I will be the oldest around here for a while. Considering they didn't invite me and all."

"Zac, you wouldn't be able to go anyway. You're too young." Zac looked up at his father, threw his arms in the air and angrily sighed.

"Why do I always miss out? I'm not that young you know. . . Nearly fourteen!" Zac shouted and fled the room.

Diana followed her son out of the room. Leaving Walker and his two eldest sons to finish their discussion.

"Dad? Please?" Ike asked.

"Guys, tell me what you would gain out of this? Walking away from work at the moment?"

"Hang on dad, you know we aren't walking away. We are ahead, we have been working super hard for the last few weeks." Walker nodded at Ike's observations.

"I'll give you that. But if you stay on this it will finish."

"Yeah, but you were going to give us time off soon for spring. We will take this and then work in the time you were going to let us take off."

"What about Zac? What will he do in that time?"

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! NO ONE CARES ANYWAY!" Zac screamed from the living room, sometimes he was just used to being left out.

Ike and Taylor looked at each other and sighed. There was still Zac. They had probably hurt him by all this.

"Boys, I am going to let you go. But this has to be the last time, I don't want anymore trips later on, only the few acceptions. You got that?"

They brightened up. "We sure have!!!!" They happily said.

"Thanks so much dad!" Taylor said as he ran to the phone.

Ike followed him. "Oh no you don't. The phone is mine."

Walker smiled and sipped on his coffee. He had great kids.


"Hello!!!!!" Taylor screamed into the phone.

"Hey Tay, what's up?" Keryn asked.

"We're allowed to go!!!"

"Oh, that's cool. I'll put Kayla on, she knows what's going on."

"But I wanted to talk to you."

"All things considered Taylor. Do you really think that we should be talking at the moment?" Taylor hung his head down low. Everything was getting worse.

Keryn slid down the wall. Everything was getting worse and it was all her fault.


"What?" Keryn brightened. Something could be coming next.

"I think that I have to tell you something"

"What?" Keryn's heart started to beat faster.

Taylor lost it. He couldn't. "I think you should put Kayla on."


Taylor sighed. "Thanks." He handed the phone to Ike and started to walk down the hall. Keryn walked into the kitchen. "Phone for you." She smiled.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"I have given up on Taylor. I am not going to be knotted up on him anymore. I can't take it. He doesn't feel what I do and I am hurting myself. I am going to find someone on this cruise." Keryn sighed and rushed into her room to look at ship catalogues.

"Yes, I heard her." That was the first thing that Ike said when he got on the phone.

"Oh. You did?"

"Yeah, he should've told her."

"It's not too late."

"I have known Keryn more than you have Kayla. She can get hurt easily and, personally, I don't want to see her hurt. I think if he is bottling up, it's the best thing that can happen."

"I guess. . ." Kayla trailed off.

"Okay. So, we're allowed to go!"

"That's excellent Ike! We are going to have a blast."

"I hope so." Ike smiled.

"We will! I seriously can't wait."

"Same here."

Ike and Kayla talked for another hour. About everything. It had started to get a little stormy, so they hung up. Getting ready for another time of their lives.

chapter thirty HOME chapter thirty~two
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