"A Majority of Two"

Written by
Ed Jurist
Directed by
R. Robert Rosenbaum

Airdate: April 11, 1968

In Darrin's absence, Larry asks Samantha to invite Kensu Mishimoto, a Japanese client, to dinner, disclosing that his favorite dish is Hung Ai Wan Coo Rash. Larry gets worried when Samantha mentions Aunt Clara is visiting to recover from a quarrel with her boyfriend, Ocky. Aunt Clara sets a low table Japanese style and pops herself and Samantha into geisha girl costumes. Mishimoto tells Aunt Clara she resembles his beautiful departed wife. Larry tries to talk business but Mishimoto plans to spend all his time with Aunt Clara. When Aunt Clara reports she expects Mishimoto to propose, Samantha uses magic to contact Ocky. Aunt Clara leaves for Paris, leaving Mishimoto free to talk business. However, Mishimoto feels humiliated and decides to leave at once. To stave off his departure, Samantha, literally losing face, explains that Larry holds her responsible for his failure with Mishimoto. Mishimoto is still determined to go, until Samantha twitches up a pretty Japanese stewardess. He decides to stay for another two weeks. Larry again broaches business but Mishimoto has his mind only on the stewardess. Then Samantha learns that Hung Ai Wan Coo Rash is Hungarian goulash.

Guest cast: Richard Haydn as Mishimoto, Helen Funai as the stewardess.

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