"Samantha's Pet Warlock"

Written by
Jerry Mayer

Directed by
Richard Michaels

Airdate: Nov. 19, 1970

Ashley Flynn, a warlock who is in his mid-thirties, handsome and egotistical, drops in on Samantha one day to rescue her from this "grubby mortal existence". When Sam kicks him out of the house, Ashley decides to check out Darrin to see what kind of man could hold Sam. Ashley quietly drops into Darrin's office and overhears Larry and Darrin trying to get a new client, Stuart Gibbons, owner and head of Gibbons Dog Food. They tell Gibbons that Darrin has a dog and with both of them describing it, the dog turns out to be part sheepdog, part beagle with short hair in front, long hair in back and with a white spot around one eye, a black spot around the other and a goatee. Gibbons is intrigued and insists upon seeing this unusual animal. Larry and Darrin, in a state of panic, go to the pound to find a dog with that description. Meanwhile, Ashley has followed them and changes himself into the dog, and Darrin takes him home. Samantha gives the dog some baby food but catches it changing the food into a T-bone steak - and she guesses the dog is really Ashley. When Ashley changes back into himself and refuses to cooperate for the sake of Darrin's client, Sam changes him back into the dog. Gibbons and Larry arrive and Ashley, trying to get his revenge, locks himself in the closet, then howls and growls Gibbons is just about to leave in anger when Sam and Darrin bring out Gibbons Dog burger and change it into a T-bone steak. Darrin tells Gibbons that it is his new idea for a commercial - to make the dog burger in the shape of a steak with Gibbon's Chewy Bone in the middle. They also tell Gibbons that Ashley was trained to act mean til he was fed - and Gibbons is 100 percent sold on Darrin and his agency.

Guest cast: Edward Andrews as Gibbons, Noam Pitlik as Ashley, David Huddleston as attendant.

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