Maurice obviously doesn't visit the Stephenses very often...or needs glasses. With Sam still visibly pregnant he mistakes a visiting Jonathan Tate for his own grandson, promptly whisking the tot away to the London branch of the Warlock Club, a watering hole for nannies on duty, old warlock coots and women called "Kitty Girls" who are...well, I'm still not exactly sure WHAT they are!

Despite the marvelous presence of the always wonderful Maurice Evans, this contrived plot seems to stretch itself thin in an effort to fill a half hour. Interestingly enough, in an episode which basically features its plot around him, Maurice has little to do, leaving most of the entertaining moments to actually come from Darrin (especially as he tries to stall Larry & Louise on the drive home) and Louise, who when under a spell would rather pound down martinis than care about her baby ("Well, sit him over there. Hit me again, Larry!")

Endora makes a welcome, albeit brief, appearance to actually HELP Sam and Darrin get out of their little mess; Maurice arrives in a very un-Maurice way via car; Abner and Gladys share yet another Hallmark moment ("I got mugged in the tunnel of love;") and girls dressed up like kitties sit on old coots' laps and "Weeelll!"-- the less said about THAT, the better!

FAVE QUOTE: Larry: "Hello, Darrin! This is Larry."
Darrin: "Uh...Larry who?"

GUEST STARS: Kendrick Huxham, referred to as "Kendrick" here but listed in the credits simply as "Warlock" gets demoted to playing Sheila's butler later in "Snob in the Grass" (#126).
Beryl Hammond gets promoted from playing "Kitty Girl" to a role which requires clothes in "The Magic Cabin" (#52).

©Review Copyright 1998 by SCOTT VIETS

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