Ride That Wave!
Is Bob Prechter's long-forecast economic and market collapse finally
at hand?

By Jonathan R. Laing
It was like old times for the once-lionized market
technician Robert Prechter at Jim Blanchard's New Orleans Investment Conference earlier
this month. Attendees mobbed a conference table following a speech by Lady Margaret
Thatcher to pepper Prechter with investment questions. The following morning Prechter
riveted an overflow crowd in the Hyatt's main meeting room with a half-hour riff on the
gory prospects for the U.S. economy and stock market now that the greatest mania in
stock-market history -- the 12-fold increase in the Dow Jones 30 Industrials from the 1982
low of 777 to its record close on July 17 of 9337 -- had apparently breathed its last.
"There's an electricity in the air at this year's conference and among investors
generally that one hasn't sensed in a long, long time," Prechter observed at one
point during his speech. The words seemed all the more freighted with import, given the
eerie detachment of Prechter's delivery. For lying dead ahead, according to Prechter, is a
U.S. stock-market crash of unprecedented proportion, accompanied by economic collapse. In
fact, just last month, Prechter changed the chart on the front of his monthly newsletter,
the Elliott Wave Theorist, from "Depression Ahead" to "Depression
Beginning" to reflect what he contends is the ominous morphing of disinflation into
runaway deflation.

Prechter: "If I'm correct, then my premature exit
won't matter ultimately." |
Such lurid forecasts make Prechter easy to dismiss. After being accorded guru status on
Wall Street in the 'Eighties for being one of the few prognosticators to predict the huge
1982 liftoff in the stock market and to stay aboard for most of the ride until just before
the 1987 Crash, Prechter has been dead wrong about the market practically ever since. For
he has remained timorously invested mostly in Treasury bills for the past 10 years,
blowing better than 200% gains in the Dow and the S&P 500 Index. According to numbers
compiled by the Hulbert Financial Digest, the Elliott Wave Theorist timing strategy would
have yielded a 12% annual return from the end of 1982 through August 31 of this year,
compared with 15.6% for the value-weighted Wilshire 5000 and the 16.6% annual return
logged by the S&P. That's a huge underperformance, even taking into account the fact
that Prechter's strategy was only half as risky as being fully invested at all times.
His rejoinder to such cavils isn't entirely satisfying, least of all to his
subscribers, who have canceled in droves over the years. (Circulation to the $233-a-year
letter dropped to 4,000 in 1996, from about 20,000 in 1987, before popping to about 6,000
currently.) "Certainly I'm guilty as charged of underestimating both the duration and
dimension of the current stock mania," he concedes, "but it's because I see
what's coming on the other side. If I'm correct in my forecasts, then my premature exit
won't matter, ultimately."
Likewise, the scenario he lays out is so outre as to strain the credulity of
even the most unregenerate bears. For a while early this fall, he raised the possibility
that the Dow might go into a death dive that would take it to support levels of either
3675 or 2365 by the first week of November. The buying panic of the past two weeks that
enabled the Dow to retrace more than 1,000 points of its October drop, back to 8500, has
led him to push forward his forecast day of reckoning to early next year. In the meantime,
investors should regard the current rally as a "golden opportunity" to get out
of the market before the deluge, says Prechter.
And that won't be the end of the bear market, according to Prechter. Eventually --
around the year 2003, by his current reckoning -- the Dow could reach a "triple-digit
level" bottom of between 1000 and 570, wiping out virtually the entire up move since
1974. "That's the fate of all manias, whether the Gouda Tulip Bulb Craze of 1636, the
South Sea Bubble of 1720, the Roaring Twenties bull market, the surge in the Nikkei
between 1974 and 1989 or the post-1982 stock market today," Prechter insists.
"The only reason the Nikkei has yet to complete a retracement and is only 65% of the
way is because it was all alone in a crash mode in the midst of a worldwide stock-market
boom. But its decline is far from over."
In Prechter's view, no market collapse of this proportion would be complete without the
onset of economic depression. His 1995 book, At the Crest of the Tidal Wave, fairly
bristles with grim prophesies of economic apocalypse. Deflation will send the prices of
all asset classes, from stocks and bonds and collectibles to residential real estate and
gold, careering lower. Sales and corporate profits will likewise be sucked down the
deflationary vortex. Prices and wages in the service sector will suffer as mightily as
those in the goods arena, since services tend to be more discretionary items than
Financial Paralysis
Unemployment could soar to 30% or more. Bank failures, moratoriums on mutual-fund
redemptions and other calamities could cause the financial system to seize up.
Government policy measures, whether fiscal stimulation or monetary reflation, will
prove powerless to keep the economy from augering into the ground. According to Prechter,
a depression is in the end a psychological phenomenon not amenable to mechanical policy
adjustment. In a depression-induced credit contraction, for example, lenders get too
cautious and borrowers and consumers too fearful about the future to behave normally.
Only those investors who heed these warnings and ignore today's investment nostrum of
"buy and hold" will have a chance of being raptured up to financial heaven,
Prechter believes. And then only by taking prudent steps like staying completely in cash,
choosing the strongest financial repositories (perhaps outside the U.S. banking system)
and selecting the strongest short-term government debt instruments in the safest
currencies will investors be able to view the unfolding Great Bear Market "as if
floating overhead in a balloon, unaffected, watching a slow-motion earthquake take place
below." Or, at least, that's what At the Crest of the Tidal Wave argues.
Prechter's current forebodings arise out of his belief in the Elliott Wave Principle,
propounded some 60 years ago during the Great Depression by Ralph N. Elliott, a retired
Los Angeles accountant. As detailed in two obscure monographs and various market letters
in the early 'Forties, Elliott believed that financial markets and, indeed, political,
cultural and other social phenomena were governed by recurrent and measurable waves of
alternating optimism and pessimism. Man, after all, is a social animal who tends to follow
unerringly the ever-changing psychology or, as Elliott put it, "mood" of the
Elliott believed in fundamental human progress. Yet it never came in a straight line,
advancing instead in waves of growth punctuated by phases of "non-growth" or
correction. The inherent pattern or sequence in all financial markets is "three steps
forward, two steps back." In a bull market this process plays out as a rising,
three-step, five-wave pattern-up, down, up, down, up-followed by a corrective, two-step,
three-wave retracement-down, up, down.
According to Elliott, this identical pattern can be seen over differing time spans,
from less than an hour to market periods as long as several centuries.
What has Prechter and fellow Elliott Wave adepts in a state of millennarian fever these
days is their conviction that the July high in the Dow Jones Industrials may have marked
incontrovertibly the concluding fifth wave not only of a bull market dating back to 1974
but, indeed, the Elliott Wave "supercycle" tracing back to the 1932 depth of the
Great Depression. If true, under Elliott Wave theory one would expect a bone-shattering
correction akin to that suffered from 1720 to 1722 in the British stock market with the
bursting of the South Sea Bubble. The average stock lost more than 90% of its value in two
years. The damage was even more grievous, though, if one also takes into account the
dozens of companies that ceased to do business.
The 12-fold increase in U.S. stocks since 1982, in fact, exceeds that of past stock
manias by a goodly measure. Stocks rose but six-fold in the Roaring Twenties, for example.
To Elliott Wavers, the bigger they come, the harder they fall.
Many on Wall Street consider the Elliott Wave Principle to be voodoo. Detractors never
tire of asserting that Elliott died both broke and insane, points that Prechter disputes.
Critics are likewise put off by the theory's quasi-religious pretensions. Wave analysis in
Elliott jargon becomes "interpretation." Fierce sectarian battles frequently
flare among Elliott disciples over current wave count, though rulings by Prechter, given
his stature in the field, are usually accepted as canonical. And as even Prechter will
concede, Elliott Wave theory often proves wanting in the timing of major market moves. He
should know, having been waiting fruitlessly for the Big Kahuna for the past 10 years.
Yet one can't ignore Prechter's many forecasting coups over the years. He achieved cult
status in the 'Eighties when he not only predicted the coming of a huge bull market but
got his subscribers out of stocks just days before the 1987 crash. That year he was the
subject of flattering profiles in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune and People magazine,
among other publications.
He first made his call of an impending bull market in a 1978 book on the Elliott Wave
for which he was the co-author. The prediction was greeted with near universal derision.
At the time, inflation and interest rates were soaring out of control. Stagflation
reigned. A second gasoline crisis hit. President Jimmy Carter worried about a crippling
"national malaise." Each stock-market assault on 1000 in the Dow seemed to end
in what was called at the time a "massacre." In a famous 1979 cover story,
Business Week declared "The Death of Equities."
But Prechter hung tough and was ultimately vindicated. He feels similarly confident
about his current bearish stance. The scorn and derision being heaped upon him yet again
are, in Prechter's view, telling signs of the top-of-the-market euphoria that will soon be
Likewise, Prechter has built a thriving business with some 70 employees in Gainesville,
Georgia, offering a dozen printed and online publications applying Elliott Wave analysis
to currencies, commodities and global stocks in addition to the U.S. equities market. His
company also boasts a number of institutional clients that take his advisory service
mainly for shorter-term market calls. He nailed the recent high in the dollar, for
example. Clearly, at least some customers deem his work to be of value.
With each passing month, Prechter sees more signs of the coming apocalypse. Back in
1995, he warned in At the Crest of the Tidal Wave that deflation was the menace and
not the inflation that was the media's and Wall Street's continuing obsession. Now
suddenly, economists and other pundits are joining his camp in droves.
In the book, he also prophesied an epic global credit crunch with soaring risk premiums
on all but the most blue-chip debt, defaults by foreign governments, a stampede to quality
and an eventual seizing up in the global credit system. Just such a scenario has started
to unfold with the Asian economic crisis, the Russian debt default last month and the
widespread damage wreaked on fixed-income markets of late by Long-Term Capital Management
and other overleveraged hedge funds.
Finally, the CRB commodity index, gold, junk bonds and several other markets that he
sounded a bearish note on in 1995 have continued to take gas. He even adopted a biblical
cadence in his recent newsletter, observing that these and other forecasts "have now
come to pass."
To Prechter, market and economic fundamentals are mere reflections of the shifts in
social-psychological moods rather than causative factors. It's the collective unconscious
that dictates events, not the opposite.
Yet he ascribes much moment to the fact that the economic fundamentals that undergirded
the economic and stock market expansions from World War II to 1966 were so much stronger
than those underpinning the economic expansion and stock market surge since 1982. The
numbers bear out his contention.
Annual real growth in gross domestic product during the earlier period averaged 4.3% a
year, compared with just 2.8% a year since 1974. Similarly, industrial production enjoyed
a 5.5% annual gain from 1949 to 1966, while from 1982 to 1998 it grew only 3.2% a year.
Likewise, the monthly unemployment rate from 1949 to 1966 averaged 4.9%, besting the 6.7%
of the 1982-1998 period.
Measures of debt and liquidity are also skewed in favor of the earlier period. At the
end of 1966, for example, household liquid assets stood at 161% of liabilities, according
to Prechter. Today households have less cash on hand than their total liabilities. Total
debt as a percentage of GDP stands at 258% as of mid-1998, compared with 148% as the bull
market peaked in 1966. Huge current-account trade deficits during the 'Eighties and
'Nineties have transformed the U.S. from net creditor to net debtor nation.
One can argue that some of these measures, such as the current U.S. debtor status,
ultimately don't much matter. But Prechter contends that the discrepancy in the vitality
of the U.S. economy between the two periods is important in several respects. For one, it
exposes the manic characteristics present in the post-1982 market surge. Stock prices
managed far greater gains on far less salubrious economic fundamentals than in the first
two decades after World War II. As a result of this obvious speculative froth, investors'
expectations are fated to be cruelly dashed. Extreme disillusionment is the stuff of ugly
bear markets and complete retracements, according to Prechter.
One More Year, Michael
Much of the fun in Prechter's musings comes from his tying cultural, political and
social developments to the Elliott Wave periods. Bull markets, in his view, are invariably
accompanied by higher hemlines, comity in domestic politics and foreign relations, happy,
upbeat music and movies, strong attendance at sporting events and the like. Bear markets
spawn the opposite.
So far Prechter sees little in the zeitgeist to substantiate his conviction that the
tide has turned for the economy and the market. Music groups like Hanson and the Spice
Girls continue to top the charts with the same kind of happy, bubble-gum music that
flourished in the 'Fifties and 'Sixties. Even country music these days remains more upbeat
and pop-like in its themes than traditionally. Yet the dark side may be impending,
according to Prechter. NBA basketball, the supreme symbol of the feel-good 'Nineties
sports scene, is now threatened by the possible breakup of the heroic Chicago Bulls and
the scrapping of the current season.
One can only hope that Michael Jordan plays yet another season and a labor settlement
is quickly reached. For the very health of the U.S. stock market and economy may be at
stake. |