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Musicians Friend is the leading name in low cost, high quality music gear. Discount music gear is what Musicians Friend is all about - from percussion to recording gear, from lighting to Hi-Fi, Bass and Guitar. It's all available online, right now, at Musicians Friend - plus much more besides. Not only is Musicians Friend the most successful online music gear retailer in the world, Musicians Friend also has a huge range of other products on offer too, in almost every musical genre, from guitar and bass to Keyboard, percussion, DJ gear and lighting equipment, recording gear, AV equipment, books & videos, sheet music, string instruments and more … Check out Musicians Friend low prices today, and start saving!
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Musician's Gear Die-Cast Mic Stand Black
Keywords for this product: | Musician's Gear | Round-base stand with thread adaptorMetal clutchCast-iron baseHeight-adjustable from 2.8' to 5.1'. | SOUND AND RECORDING EQUIPMENT
More information: Musician's Gear Die-Cast Mic Stand Black >>
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