Hi! and welcome to my web page. This is one heck of a page you will see why. So just sit right there while relaxing,maxing and chillin and I'll tell you all about my life in Texas and Oklahoma
First Southern Baptist Church for the Deaf: Big Ron's church. A great place for deaf to come and worship. Come visit and meet Pastor Larry White(Deaf) and the rest of the members. Hebrews 10:25. :-) The American Center for Law and Justice: Apostle Paul knew his rights as a Christian. Do you? Then this site is for you. The Oklahoman News: Find out what going on here in Oklahoma City and Statewide San Antonio's News: Check out S.A. Big Ron hometown. News, Weather, Sports and much much more. Silent Web: Every thing you want to know about deaf and haed of hearing. Great site, give it a shot.