Hale-Bop Pix

I don’t know if I will ever see anything as fantastic in the sky as the Hale-Bopp comet.

It just sat there in the sky for weeks, slowly moving across from night to night.

These pictures represent some of the better photographs I took. Being sort of out in the country, my front yard was a good place to view the comet as the sky was pretty bright, and there were plenty of things like trees, antenna and telephone poles to give the viewer some perspective of how large and magnificant Hale-Bopp looked to the naked eye.

These images were taken with ASA400 film. (Kodak Gold) They were taken at F8, and about 30 second exposures.

There are others on the net who also have photographs. Many are much better than mine, but let me say that none of them does the comet justice. There was nothing like seeing it with your own eyes.

Perhaps my feelings come from a long standing interest in space and exploration, or maybe my feelings come because this is yet another natural occurance that shows humans how small and insignificant we really are. (although we like to think of ourselves as the center/masters of everything)

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You can e-mail me at bigqueue@tiac.net


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