Creative and Academic Writing

Al7amd le Allah (Thanks to Allah), I like writing comic stories. In addition, you will find a couple of spicy political articles, and some of my research papers in psychology, history, and management. This is a list of the available stories:
Material Description
Muhammad PBUH In the love of Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Alien in the faucet An alien ,coming to earth with a secret mission from another planet, found himself facing an Engineer. Think about it; who will win ??!! Have x-treme fun!!
Love in a movie theater An Engineer decides to go to watch Titanic movie. Guess what will happen, and what he wrote in his vision of this movie??!!
1998 expectations at AUC What did I expect for AUC? Enjoy your time.
Erhabic (Terrorist's) Thinking A short spicy story with deep sophisticated political symbolism.Take care!!
Scences from my everyday Album @AUC Everyday we see very strange things at AUC. I recorded them in these short scences. LOL!
Liberal Arts Contest It was a contest organized by the SU. I won the first prize, but Mr. Amr Fekry, the X-SU treasurer did not give me the money till today!!
When I die... A lot did not like it, and one said: "A bit machusti story!"
The Dirty Game How to win elections at AUC?
Resignation My resignation from the Student Union. Open to everybody to read.
Americans are not the target (because they are the one who aims!!) An article about welad el soram=The Americans!
Judge not that ye be not judged! The claims of descrimination against Christians. I suffered a lot because of this article.It is really spicy!!
Hypnosis using hypnotic recall My English 113 paper. X-files!
Decision Making in Crisis Situdations My ORGN 307 project. My team included Ahmed Al-Banhawy, and Nader Hafez Amer.
SWOT analysis of AUC A detailed study of AUC's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
