Plants to Beware Of

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Here you will find a small bit of information on plants that can do harm to your beloved feathered friends. It's not complete by any means but will give you an idea of the importance of checking for plants that could be hurtful to your bird/s. If in doubt about purchasing a plant for your home and the harmful effects it could have , please use caution. I hope you find this page helpful in some small way.


Many common household items and plants are toxic to pet birds. This is a small reference guide to help.
NAME Poisonuos Parts Symptoms
Amaryllis bulbs GI
Avocado All GI
Azalea leaves GI
Balsam pear seeds, outer rind of fruit GI
Bane Berry berries, roots GI
Bird of Paradise seeds GI
Black Locust bark, sprouts, foliage
Blue Green Algae some forms toxic
Boxwood leaves, stems GI
Buck Thorn fruit , bark
Buttercup sap , bulbs CNS
Caladium leaves IR
Calla Lilly leaves IR
Caster Bean beans, leaves GI
Chalice Vine all parts GI
Cherry Tree bark, twigs, leaves. pits CNS
Christmas Candle ( Rose) sap GI
Coral Plant seeds GI
Daffodil bulbs GI
Daphne berries
Datura berries
Deadly Amanita All parts
Death Camas All parts CNS
Delphinium All parts
Deffinbachia dumb cane leaves IR
Eggplant All parts but fruit DEADLY
Elephants Ear leaves , stem IR
English Ivy berries, leaves GI
False Henbane All parts
Four-O-Clock All parts GI
Foxglove leaves, seeds CV
Golden Chain All parts especially seeds CNS
Hemlock, poison all parts especially roots and seeds
Hemlock, water all parts especially roots and seeds CNS
Henbane seeds CNS
Holly berries GI
Horse Chestnut nuts, twigs GI
Hyacinth bulbs GI
Hydrangea flower bud CNS
Indian Turnip All parts
Iris bulbs GI
Java Bean uncooked bean BL
Jerusalem Cherry berries
Jimsonweed leaves, seeds CNS
Juniper needles, stems, berries IR
Lantana immature berries IR
Larkspur All parts CV
Laurel All parts
Lilly of the Valley
Lobelia All parts
Locoweed All parts CNS
Locust, Black All parts GI
Locust, Honey All parts RE
Lords and Ladies All parts GI
Lupines CNS
Marijuana * hemp * leaves CNS
Mayapple All parts, except f GI
Mescal Bean seeds
Mistletoe berries GI
Mock Orange fruit GI, CNS
Monkshood leaves , roots CV
Morning Glory All parts CNS
Narcissus bulbs
Nightshade berries, leaves DEADLY
Oak Acorns, foliage GI
Oleander leaves, branches, nectar of blossom CV
Philodendron leaves, stems GI
Pigweed GI
Pikeweed leaves, roots, immature berries GI
Poison Ivy sap IR
Poison Oak sap IR
Poinsettia leaves, flowers IR
Potato eyes and roots GI, CNS
Privet All parts including berries GI
Red Maple GI
Rhododendron All parts GI
Rhubarb leaves UR
Rosary Peas seeds (illegally imported to make Necklaces and rosary beads)
Skunk Cabbage All parts IR
Snowdrop All parts especially buds GI
Snow on the Mountain All parts
Sweet Pea seeds and fruit CNS
Tobacco leaves CNS
Virginia Creeper sap GI
Wisteria All parts GI
Yam Bean roots, immature
Yew needles CV, GI
Yellow Jasmine CNS

*Any filtering plant that takes in carbon dioxide and returns oxygen will hold any toxin in the air returned. Example : Spider Plant

GI= gastrointestinal CV= cardiovascular CNS= nervous system BL=Blood abnormalities
IR= irritant UR= Urinary tract CY= signs associated with cyanide

*Gastrointestinal* effects of ingestion of toxic plants may include one or more of these symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, depression or gastroenteritis. Plants that cause these effects contain such toxins as alkaloids, saponins or toralbumins.

*Cardiovascular* effects may be caused by ingestion of plants that contain cardiac glycosides or alkaloids: slow or abnormal heart rhythms, acute nausea, vomiting , collapsed or labored breathing.

If the *central nervous system* is effected , a bird may display any of these symptoms: salivation, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, hypothermia, collapse, convulsions, depression, aberrant behavior or tremors. Plants that affect the central nervous system may contain toxins such as nicotine, hallucinogens or convulsants.

Signs of *cyanide poisoning* are bright red venous blood, difficulty breathing or collapse.

Plants containing saps, resins or bioactive amines in the spines will *irritant* a birds mouth, pharynx or esophagus. They may also cause excess salivation , edema, vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, labored breathing, collapse, gastroenteritis, skin rashes and itching.

Plants containing thiaminase or nitrates cause *Blood Abnormalities* such as anemia, methemaglobin or jaundice.

*Urinary tract disorders* such as bloody urine, crystaluria or kidney damage may be caused by plants containing oxalates and other toxic substances.