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Me, My Life and Other Twisted Preoccupations....
Everything you ever wanted to know about me....
Ideas, Inspirations, and Other Ideosyncracies....
Heady stuff- transhumanism, extropy, agorist robotopia, techno-transcendance, individualism, open-minded rationalism, self-liberation/transformation, etc....
The Troubled Travails of Twinkieman(And Other Strange Stuff)....
My warped sense of humor at work :-)....
CashCannon Online Success Pages
Legitimate, profitable online business(es)...
Sign My Guestbook
Ahhh! Consensus reality...just like it's supposed to be!
Best opportunities for immediate moneymaking online!
Custom Brains While-U-Wait
My Intelligence Enhancement page
Hi, Me! It's Me!
My page on cloning, biotech, Artificial Intelligence, superhumans, etc.
New You
My page on self-enhancement/transformation
Stayin' Alive & Freezin' My Ass Off
My page on life extension/cryonics/physical immortality
Far Out Worlds SF Page
My favorite science fiction- print, visual & otherwise
Start Making Money Online Now!
My site for Stockgeneration, a virtual stock-market game

Brian's    URLly    Wacky    WebWorld

INTRO&DISCLAIMER: This Website is the self-expressive product of an individual who is pretty radical and "out there" by most people's standards. While this site is in no way intended to offend anyone, visitors are hereby cautioned that they are solely liable for any and all mind-or life-altering ideas they may pick up here. In particular those who visit this site often, and/or follow its links extensively, may notice that they start to find the idea of dying(at any age) abhorrent; that they want to get together with some friends and buy an island in a tax haven; that they have sudden urges to develop online income sources and set up an offshore trust or LLC with the proceeds, to maximize their freedom & minimize their losses to the, make that "voluntary contributions" to the IRS; that they've been sadly limited in their personal relations, and find that they're in desperate need of a high-bandwidth, direct brain-to-brain link with their loved ones, and furthermore that they are potentially omnisexual, in need of only a few molecular "tweaks" to be capable of loving relations in any configuration; that they are greatly in need of a "brain overdrive processor" that Intel stubbornly fails to invent (so far); that they'd like to take a joyride in the Space Shuttle; and, last but not least that most of what they've been told by conventional "authorities" is either incomplete, distorted, irrelevent or just a complete pile of crap. This is not an exhaustive list of possible side-effects of visiting this site; all effects will not necessarily occur at once, nor will the same ones occur in every individual. As with most things in life, your results will depend on your brain, as well as the amount of time and mental effort you expend. Individual light-yearage may vary; this site is null&void in the lives of Jeremy Rifkin, Pat Robertson, Paul Ehrlich, and wherever prohibited by (self-chosen) law. If you are by some chance one of these people who has stumbled onto this site by mistake, click on the last link to the left, just below the guestbook, and you'll be spirited away to a safe place where you'll be protected from any potentially enlightening mind-viruses. Otherwise, click on any of the other links and follow me... to the future and Beyond!

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Brian Keavey
2736 Elmwood Ave. Apt.#1
Kenmore, NY 14217 USA