Bullets & Buttons

Here is my collection of Bullets & Buttons.
PC Users - To download, right click on the image and choose "Save Image As"
Mac Users - Click and hold on the image and choose "Download Image"
For file size information, hold you pointer over the image. (TRSP indicates a transparent background)

Buttons are blank so you can add your own text.
Buttons with two images can be used for javascript mouseovers!
Click on Test Me below those buttons to see it in action and for more information on mouseovers!

Best on Dark Backgrounds

gbull.jpg  20 x 20  0.8k lilpaint2.gif  40 x 26 0.9k  TRSP

Best on Light Backgrounds

missvflwr.gif  50 x 50  1.2k  TRSP


border_off.gif  136 X 31  0.8k border_on.gif  136 X 31  1k
Test Me!!
fancy_off.gif  167 X 35  1.4k fancy_on.gif  167 X 35  1.4k
Test Me!!
blballbuttn1.jpg  150 x 38  1.8k blballbuttn.jpg  150 x 38  1.6k
Test Me!!
orbtn1.jpg  120 x 109 1.7k  Black Background orbtn2.jpg  120 x 109  2.2k Black Background
Test Me!!
puzzlebtn1.jpg  150 x 54  1.1k puzzlebtn2.jpg  150 x 54  4k
Test Me!!
marblebtn1.jpg  130 x 40  1.7k marblebtn2.jpg  130 x 40  1.8k
Test Me!!

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Blackat's Free Web Graphics

Questions or Comments? Please e-mail Blackat - blackat@hawaii.rr.com

Page created by Blackat. All images are property of Blackat, please read the Agreement before using them. Thank You!

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