Ramarus (Unknown) Cee allah

North american wilderness

Peace   To   Man,Womb-man,and   child

 Defining Sun,Moon,and stars
 The (sun/man) gives light of Knowledge which reflects off the 
     God-sole controller of the uni-verse
     knowledge- is the base of existense that is built uponthe black 
     intelligence though the the power of realization. Knowledge is the
     eqaulity of the ceeing the devils cilvilization. Once you KNOW the
     LEDGE you can master it.
     120 degrees-1/3 of the cipher of life
     #1-supreme asiatic blackman who Fattens the woman with knowledge
 Moon: The reflection Of (man/sun)
       120 DEGREES 1/3 of the cipher of life 
       WISDOM-the manifestation of ones knowledge.Wisdom Is to speak 
       wisely on that knowledge.Wisdom means (wis-dome). Once you wise
       your dome you can wise the dumb,deaf and blind who are asleep to
       womb-man-gives birth to (stars,understanding,and the child)
 Stars: 120 degrees- 1/3 of the cipher of life
        completion of the cipher
        Understanding- Is the best part;for to understand means to 
        master.Understandin is that magnetic force which is needed to 
        make the completion of Knowledge and wisdom.you can only bring
        forth this understanding thru the use of your Thrid eye which 
        is your mind or thru birth which is (children/stars)..
        this is part of my manifestation of 120
 Ramarus Maques Hogan