Well were close to 2000 hits on the main page =) I hope that surfing this webring you will find not only lots of neat tours but neat places to go on them as well. Keep on comin folks as we are doing well (If ya dont believe me click ring stats below ) =)
OK now for the links so you can work on the webring and keep me honest as to how were doing =)
to see a list of who all is currently in the ring click here =)
To see if you're on the queue click here.
To submit your site to the VP tour que click here =).
When youre site has The link up PLEASE send me a email by clicking here
If you need a generic copy of the ring code click here(note: this will have to be edited to work...this incklude you putting in your name,email and site id where prompted =) )
IF you're already a web ring member and wat to edit your site info click here
If your curious as to how the VP tour bus web ring is doing click here-this includes how much traffic your recieving from the webring and how much your generating for the webring...also what more popular next 5 or random? :) all questions reguarding hit totals are here.