CPT Panoke

Was born in Boston Mass. From an early age Jason had wanted to be a paramedic like his father, so once he finished school he went to Tech school, and earned his license. By the end of the period at Boston Tech College, he was bored, and there were not that many entry level jobs in Boston in the Paramedic Service.

So Jason thought that maybe the Army Medical Corps could use him. He approached the local recruiting officer who looked at his skills and told him with his language skills he would do better in Army Intelligence. But the recruiter never showed up for their final appointment. Jason, disgusted with the whole situation, went right next door the the Marine Recruiter. After a few minutes, the Marine recruiter recognized Jason's many talents, and made him an even better offer than the Army had. By this time Jason needed a job so badly that he quickly agreed.

After surviving the grueling Basic Training at Parris Island, SC, Jason was sent to OCS. By the end of this period Jason was a fledgling 2nd Lt. assigned to Quantico Marine Barracks, VA, very close to Washington DC. Jason spent the first few years there, mostly aquiring more language skills, and developing his ever-important arsenal of contacts. Over the next few years Jason was posted in US Embassies all over Europe. He was continually making friends and contacts. In Britain he was Posted to RAF St Mawgan ( This used to be an American / British Intel facility, amongst other things.)

In 1999, Jason was posted to the US Embassy in Berlin, Germany, and for the first time became involved with the shadier side of his work As the terrorist war heats up across the world, Jason finds himself drawn deeper and deeper into the intelligence/counter-intelligence world. Early in the Winter of 2000, Jason is posted Stateside to the Pentagon.

As the war continued, Jason dispaired of ever seeing any combat action. Finally, he would have his chance. In Oct. 2001, Jason was assigned as a a field operative, and was inserted deep behind Russian lines during their Civil War. Somehow he managed to survive that conflict, and when the War cooled down into merely a Vision of Hell, he began making his way home.

Jason's return trek is something of a story in itself. The Journey took him from a Classified location in Russia, across the frozen Bering Straits during the Terrible Winter of 2002-2003, then from Alaska to Chilliwack AFB, BC Canada by dogsled. From there, he and a mixed group of Americans, Canadians, and Russians caught a flight on the infamous Bubblegum and Rubberband Express. "Bub-Rub-X", as it was called, was a renegade unit comprised of the survivors from the Air Forces of no fewer than 9 Nations, aboard a converted, yet painfully ancient B36 Bomber. The plane made it to Pittsburgh PA, where Jason bribed his passage further eastward into PA. Eventually, Jason got home. Tired, fed up, but home.

Jason gives the appearance of always wanting to know what is around the next bend. He will talk to just about anyone if he thinks he is going to learn some thing new. Inquisitive.

He is still loyal to the US Constitution, but is now hard and more cynical of the world that he sees around him. He has retained his curiosity, but is wondering where and what he is going to do now. He has never married. His Family is dead. He has only his Duty left.

5'7", dark, average-length hair. Average build.

Paramedic Certificate, Boston Technical College
Officer Candidate School, USMC Military Intelligence


Copyright 1998 - 2002 by ERIC... Daddy, poet, musician, and gentleman scholar. All Rights Reserved