Champion of Finland,Estonia, Lithuania,Latvija, SPAIN TERRIER CH in SPAIN Baltic Winner-97,Lithuania Winner-98

Bombix Moren Onnenjojo "Jojo"

father:Bombix Moren Maitotiikeri(Milktiger) mother:JoŽBombix Moren de Majodian


(second photo) "Jojo" win in Salamanca/Spain F.C.I terrier group,and was Best in show 3. (photo El Mundo Perro)


Champion of Finland,Estonia,Lithuania, Latvijas JrWinner-97, Lithuania Winner-98,Italy Winner-98 Several F.C.I terrier group placements.

Bombix Moren This Is My Life "Bertta"

father:Bombix Moren Maitotiikeri (Milktiger) mother:de Majodian sixed Bombix

breeder and owner Irma Leino handling by Mrs.M.Cruz

THANK YOU Maria Cruz all lovely work together we have had. Thank you for taking so good care of "Jojo" and "Bertta"

Mrs.M.Cruz is also breeding Yorkshire terrier.

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